Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog Hop

One of my all time favorite teachers (as in, knew about her before I knew anything of all this blogging and TpT stuff) Christina Bainbridge joined a blog hop and I figured... hey I am a newbie to this (at least the teaching part of this) so why not link up right? And I can definitely find some new blogs to read from this... as if I need anything else to help me procrastinate right?! Anyways...

1. What state are you in?

2. What is your current teaching position?
          I teach 3rd grade all subjects. I have been in 3rd my entire time in TN (minus the first 20 days where I taught 2nd grade. I was switched to 3rd after the first attendance period when people were surplussed... that was all new and foreign to me so I was just grateful to have kept my job).

3. What is your teaching experience?
          Half a year subbing in 2 districts grades k-8. A year teaching 6-8 grade science, 8th math, and 7th religion in a Catholic school, and this is my 5th year in 3rd grade.

4. When did you start blogging?
          This blog was just started a week or so ago. I have a personal blog that I have had almost 2 years.

5. Share some blogging tips or a resource.
          I don't really have any tips but one thing I will say is that you should never get too big for yourself. It doesn't matter if you have 5 followers or 500 followers (or more). Try to take the time to respond to people that are interacting with your blog. Those people are the reason your blog got the size it did. It kills me when bloggers (mostly personal, I must say teaching bloggers are much more friendly and interactive) get too big for themselves and forget that at one time their blog was just a little page on the internet too.

We are heading out to date night but I can not wait to check out all these links!!


  1. Just found you through the blog hop (which I'm going to have to link up with now since I just started blogging in June) and am your newest follower!

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. I loved the honesty of your post . . . and that you just jumped on in :) I have only been blogging since March, so I guess I am still a "newbie." Glad I found you today.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  3. Thanks girls!
    Kelley I would say March makes you still newbie enough to join the hop... but who am I to make the rule haha I am not even a month old in this blog age haha

  4. Thanks for sharing!
    I am your newest follower! I saw you on the newbie blogger hop and I am a new blogger too. I love connecting with other teachers!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  5. I'm also participating in the Newbie Blog Hop and I'm your newest follower!
    I'm loving finding new blogs through the hop!

    First with Franklin

  6. Found you through the blog hop & am now following you! Stop by my blog if you haven't already had a chance and follow!

    THANKS for sharing!
    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  7. Girls you are too quick! I am coming by all of your blogs within the next day or two! Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Hi...I just found your blog through the Newbie Blog Hop and am now a follower. I hope you will hop over to my blog for a visit soon.
    Adventures In Teaching

  9. Love your blog design--but I am biased I have the same one. hehe,
    anyway I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award.
    Hop to my blog and pick it Up.
    Jessica :0)

  10. Thanks girls! And thanks Jessica! I am coming over to your blog now :) and will post it soon enough... I am making myself cross 3 things off the to do list before I blog...

  11. Thanks for joining my first blog hop! Yes, it's been funny to see what people's definitions of being a "newbie" are. But, I'd say you for sure are a newbie. (That is meant to be a compliment.) I'm your latest follower! I'm so glad to connect with other third grade teachers out there!

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

  12. I just found your blog through the newbie blog hop and I am your newest follower!! It is so cute!! I would love for you to visit when you have a chance.

    Mrs. Wood's Class

  13. I found you through the newbie blog hop and I'm your newest follower! I'm excited to meet new teacher/bloggers and would love for you to stop by my blog if you have time!

    Classroom Compulsion

  14. Found you through the blog hop that I couldn't figure out how to link up to! Ha. I'm a newbie for sure. Love your blog design.. we have the same one:) Since you have such great taste, I'm your newest follower!


  15. I'm LOVING this blog hop. I joined it pretty early on and I'm still going through new blogs. So awesome!

    I also teach 3rd grade and I'm glad to be following along.

    Teach on a Limb
