Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I know this is a new blog and all...

and I don't have many readers... at 2 I can't even say I have a few. But I would love the chance to get a customized design! I want something that is classic yet has a little bit of personality. And so, in an attempt to make this blog a little more traffic friendly (does that even make sense?) I am entering into a contest to win one. Check out Christi's work. It is really cute and definitely affordable. Cross your fingers for me... and if you want a new design enter the contest here.


  1. Welcome to blogging!! Good luck with the contest! I've seen Christi's blog & designs & they are great!! :) I'm your newest follower & I am excited to follow along & share ideas. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Thanks!! Heading over to yours now!

  3. Welcome! Christi designed my blog and I couldn't be happier. Good luck!

    One Class, One Sound

  4. Thanks Patti! Your blog is so cute!!!

  5. I'm making my rounds to wish you good luck. Welcome to the blogging world!
    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner
