Sunday, July 29, 2012

New (School) Year Resolutions Linky

I saw this link up with Amanda at Teaching Maddeness and I knew I had to join in on this one. I always make New Year's resolutions that are related to school... but doing it in January is halfway wasted because there are only 5 months of school left. So I am linking up to share my resolutions for this school year (and hoping to stick to them).

1. Take papers with me to grade when we have class restroom breaks and when I am going to pick my class up from their support classes. I try to do this all the time but sometimes forget. I can usually get a stack of simple (read: multiple choice, spelling tests, etc) papers graded at the restroom. And sometimes I get to picking up my class before the teacher is completely done with them and that is a perfect time to grade a couple papers. If I can keep to doing this, it is less I have to do on planning time or at home. And my goal is to not let the "grade this" stack get ginormous... because when that happens I get too overwhelmed.

2. Use my planning time to PLAN or PREP. Not do the ridiculous amount of other busy work we end up having to do. This one will be hard to do because we will end up with a lot of that kind of work, but if I use maybe my daily (assuming it stays this way) Chinese time to get that done, I shouldn't need the whole 30 minutes and I shouldn't need that time every day of the week. Maybe just once or twice. I have to work on not bringing as much home!

3. Do not do school work until the baby is in bed. I spent a lot of time this summer working and planning and coming up with ideas and I am not doing it from the hours of 4-8:30. Once the baby is in bed, I will do some work until my husband gets home from work and then be done. I need time with the baby and I need time with my husband. (Though maybe just once or twice a week I may end up working past when he gets home because he will have earlier hours and be home before the baby is in bed). Regardless, not more than 1.5 hours a day... by choice.

4. (This may not be completely school related) Read for enjoyment. It is one of the things that keeps me sane and even if I only read for 30 minutes, it is better than nothing and a good way to wind down. Same with watching some tv before bed.

5. Try not to get frustrated. The kids won't get everything. Do the best I can with the time I have. Stop stressing about the pacing guide. Teach so the kids learn, not so that I am on the correct page of the book.

I could probably go on and on... and on... but I will stop here. Thanks for such a great idea for a link up Amanda!

Time to accept the fact that summer is over...


  1. Thanks for linking up, Gina! #1 is such a smart idea...I need to do that, too! And, #4 would be awesome...I'm an avid reader but really only get to do it during the summer or holidays and that makes me sad. We SHOULD make time for the things we enjoy!

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. I am the same with reading for enjoyment. I really feel the difference when I don't make the time. Have a great year!

    Simply 2nd Resources

  3. Yep, I agree too with reading for enjoyment. I LOVE to read, but once school starts I don't get that much time to do so!! I love that you plan on making more time for you and the family! That's so important and I hope to do the same.

    Reaching for the TOP!

  4. I found you on New (school) Year Resolutions linky! I have a one year old too so I can totally relate. I love to connect with other teachers! I am going to go back and read some of your older post!
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  5. Grading papers while waiting on students ......great idea!!! Good luck with your resolutions and have a great school year!!!

  6. Your resolutions are awesome. They are making me think about my own resolutions. Spending more time with my family is one I definitely need to instill! Thanks :o)

  7. Shoot!...I forgot to add reading to my list! LOL
    I found you through the linky party and am your newest follower. ")

    Classroom Capers

  8. This is a great list. I wish you lots of luck keeping all of your resolutions!!!

    :) Nicole
    Tadpole Tidbits

  9. I love the read for enjoyment! I just finished Hunger Games and grabbd the next 2 to finish before school returns:)

    I found your blog on the New School Year's Resolution Linky and am your newest follower.

    The Resourceful Apple

  10. Girls I am telling you the amount I can get graded at the bathroom alone is amazing. I just have a bad habit of forgetting to grab a stack of papers. And reading for enjoyment is a big one. I really need to do it more. I have already slacked... but not because I am working... because I am so tired! I am stopping by to check out all your blogs now :)

  11. Thank you for sharing your resolutions! I only read for pleasure when I am on vacation. So sad;( But when I get the time to read, I read a lot! I hope I can find more time for it during the school year too!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers
