Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I always forget...

... that at the beginning of third grade, I am really working with end of year second graders. Today we tried to do my Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy activity. The good news... for the most part my students really did great at sorting the sentences and fragments. Which is thrilling to me because they actually KNEW how to decipher between the two. The bad news... I forgot they write so S...L...O...W! After 40 minutes we had to stop for lunch and didn't have time to finish. I decided to cut the activity in half and only use 12 of the cards instead of 24. We are going to try again tomorrow with half the workload and see if that helps. I will take pictures of my kids working on it tomorrow and post! Does anyone else always forget that the incoming group is really last year's grade level still? It gets me every.time!


  1. Yes, I also had that problem. To make matters worse I am used to 4th graders...end of the year 3rd graders.
    Now teaching 3rd, I really have to alter my mind. And oh my goodness...they do write so slooowwww :)

    One Class, One Sound

  2. They still write slow in the 7th grade. I hate it! :)

    Mommy, Teacher, & So Much More

  3. We haven't started yet, so I was cleaning the classroom library. Had to put away the "Percy Jackson" tub around and set out "Nat e the Great" because you are right, they are second graders. I read something by Lucy Calkins where she said if they didn't read a lot over the summer, start with books 2 levels below where they were in June!

    Hope you have a great year!

    Grade Three is the Place for Me!
