Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm a list kinda girl...

If you haven't noticed... I like my to do lists. I don't like how long they can get, but I like being able to cross things off when I finish them. I like seeing that I have made progress. And so I think each week, I will post my to do list here, just so I can cross off. Since we had to head out of town this past week, I didn't get as much done as I planned. And if you saw my post the other night, you know I spent hours typing up my first social studies unit plans only for them to disappear. No worries, I finally got it all done and printed. So without further ado (and because I know you are just dying to see my to do list...)

Leftover from last week...
1. Organize all unit 1 SS materials
2. Order energizers and closing circles book (when it is available to ship)
3. Make Blooms question card set- just need to cut and put on rings
4. Copy homework pack for week 2
5. DL daily fix it for Aug (will be doing this during the big sale tomorrow)
6. Create writing tips pencil
7. Make copy drawer labels
8. Copy unit 1 spelling lists
9. Get 100 chart for mystery person
It doesn't seem so bad...

And now onto the insane list for the upcoming week

Copy tips and tricks craftivity pages
Email copy of academic times to self

Set up place value chart to save time and aggravation
Copy Pumpkin Patch and Mountains of Meatballs

Social Studies-
Cut out hearts from colored paper
Cut out bookmarks
Copy Vocabulary chart for unit
Predraw anchor chart outline
Copy hand pattern on red, white, and blue paper

Prep 5 copies of easy peasy
Copy test

Prep flip books
Bring round bowl and clear bottle for liquid demonstration
Check to make sure copies are made of: Which State of Matter... dancing raisins lab sheet... Particles sheet... oobleck page... sorting activity
Copy state of matter rap lyrics
Tab Dancing Raisins directions page

Copy 2 stories from comprehension book for UNRAVEL

Create for upcoming weeks-
Subject/Predicate activity
Branches of Government creativity
Week 3 Lesson Plans
Fantasy/Reality sort/activities

Yea... that "not so bad" to do list is now out of control... so I am off to do as much as I can with a sick princess in the house.


  1. I can sympathize with your to do list and sick kiddos! The congestion and nasal rinses has made everyone very unhappy! The only good things about sick babies are that you know they love when they don't want you to leave their side and they're super mushy and cuddly :o) I hope your to do list shrinks and your daughter feels better!

    ps: Totally unrelated...I'm having a mini giveaway for a place value game on my blog and I'd love for you to enter :o)

  2. Thanks Jen! She woke up for her nap with a pretty high fever. It has gone down but she is still clingy but semi playing now... I am slowly but surely getting things done off this list. I am heading over to enter your giveaway right now... we are starting our year will place value so of course I want to enter!
