Saturday, October 20, 2012

So much to share that I don't know where to start...

Like the title says, I have so much that I want to share with you that I am not sure where to start. We have been doing so many fun things and my kids are learning so much. I really love this class. I tell my husband and mom a million times a week how much I love this class. They are probably sick of hearing it by now. But I can't help it!

So I think I will start with something we did a while ago. We started learning about author's purpose and made this anchor chart together.
And throughout the week we worked on different activities. The first thing we did was Nicole Shelby's Owl S'more activity. The class LOVED it! We started by passing out the ingredients and having the students guess what we were making. After making the s'mores we went to lunch where the students were able to finally enjoy their treat (which by the way are delicious). We didn't have time to do anymore that day, so the next day we wrote the steps on the board to create an owl s'more. The kids remembered every single detail. I then let them use our class created steps to write a rough draft. I edited it with them and then let them do a final copy and create the craftivity that came with the plans. We talked about how this written pieces was to inform because we were teaching others how to do something. I don't have any pictures of the final product but I will share them once I create the bulletin board that I am doing with them. But what I do have are pictures of my kids with their s'mores. They were so proud of them! (Just a tip: we didn't have access to a microwave so in order to get our chocolate chips to stick to the orange chocolate we tore off tiny pieces of marshmallow and used it as glue. It worked perfectly!)

I enjoyed this activity so much that I am working on creating another activity for my kids to do that is similar. I will be sure to share about it once I get it done.

Posts coming up: (not necessarily in this order)
Wild Things (entertaining)
I Wanna Iguana (persuasive)
I Need My Monster
Mystery Mail
Happy notes
Great success from one of my kiddos

1 comment:

  1. Gina,

    That is SO awesome! Thank you so much for the shout-out! It makes me smile! :)

