Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February- where did you come from?!

Umm hello Gina it is February... I have no idea how this happened. Don't get me wrong, I am glad it is February because I am so ready for spring and warm weather and break and summer... Ok maybe I am getting ahead of myself here. But the point is, I have no idea where January went! Not only is it February but that means it is time for one of my all time favorite linkups! Farley's monthly currently! If you don't link up with Farley you are really missing out on a fun one. And the over 300 people that have already entered only a week into the month should be proof of that! So...without further ado...

Listening- to some old episodes of Whole Brain Teaching TV. I have always been intrigued by WBT but I just haven't "gotten it". I decided last night I am never going to get it if I don't just go for it. So I am going to do it slowly. And I have an amazing friend who is WBT certified...or something (Farrah forgive me I can't remember what your actual role is). 

Loving- Payton is walking back and forth between me and Tim giving us kisses. Some days she is very stingy with the kisses but today, she was very giving. And who can resist her kisses?! Not me that's for sure!

Thinking- there are a lot of unknowns for next school year and I hate not knowing as much as I don't know. 

Wanting- Well...February 7 and I am ready for Spring Break. It could be because the weather has been getting nicer and we are going to Nashville for 2 nights. Or I am just ready for break... either way. Bring it on!

Needing- I always need more sleep. But last night was awful (which is why I am home blogging instead of working). Payton was up and crying every hour. For no reason. And only wanted me. Needless to say, I am tired. 

Pet peeves- I HATE when people use the wrong there, their, or they're. I also hate when people say It was bigger THEN I thought (or something similar when they use then and should be using than). Both of those drive me CAH-RAY-ZEE! 

Thanks Farley for hosing such a fun linky! If you want to link up, click the image below.


  1. I dove into whole brain today! Can't wait to see how it goes! I need a book version of what to do:-) Going to visit your friend now:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. I attemted Whole Brain Teaching this year. I still use parts, but I need to dig deeper this summer and figure the rest out. I'm wanting Spring Break, too!

    The 2nd Grade Surprise

    1. I have attempted it twice now... someday I am bound to get it.

  3. I also use Whole Brain Teaching. I absolutely LOVE it and have seen such a difference in my classroom management this year. Oh, and it is NEVER too early to start wishing for Spring Break! Glad I got to read your currently! Take care!

    YoungTeacherLove 5th Grade Blog

  4. I am so with you.....what happened to January? One day it was here and was gone and February appeared.

    I am your newest follower and just love your blog design!!

    Mrs. B's Nook

    1. Thank you! I love Disney so had to have it included somehow.

  5. I came over from Farley's! I love your Disney themed blog and I'm your newest follower! I would love for you to link up anything technology you might have at my newest feature, Thursday's Tech Tips for Teachers!
    Fern's Thursday's Tech Tips for Teachers!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

    1. Thanks Fern! Disney makes me happy so I had to do it :)

  6. I get so excited to find a new third grade blog (new to me anyway). Thanks for linking up with Farley! I am pinning your blog as one of my faves! I'm a new follower! Your daughter is adorable. Mine is turning sweet sixteen in May...enjoy her because time flies!!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

  7. I love your blog updo! Cute graphics from Just So Scrappy right? I used your Groundhog fact/opinion paper this week. VERY CUTE!!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

    1. Yep Just so Scrappy. I am glad you liked the fact and opinion!!
