Thursday, February 14, 2013

What we've been up to...

Here are just a few pictures of what we have been up to lately...

Groundhog fact and opinion sort (I know Groundhog Day is over but this would still be great fact and opinion practice and you can find it here).

I actually had another group that worked with the book Groundhog Gets a Say and made up their own facts and opinions (there was a picture but I have no idea why it isn't showing in this post, and to be quite honest, I am too tired to go to the other computer and load it back up). 

I have also been teaching my students how to play the new fluency games we got. I have Lisa's Bee Mine Fluency game. My kids LOVE this. She makes these for each month and right now her February one (the one pictured below) is on sale! You can grab it here

We have also been learning how to play Christina's Roll, Read, Repeat games. The kids LOVE those too. You can check those out here.

The reason I am teaching my kids how to play these games and we are spending so much time practicing them this week is because I plan to use Lisa's 10 minute fluency rotation idea starting next week. Read more about that here. It is really what I needed to see in order to help me figure out how to make this all work! I can't wait to start doing this with my kids next week. I will be sure to update how it goes. 

One more reminder to enter my giveaways going on here and here. 


  1. I used your Groundhog Fact/Opinion last week. Really good practice for my 3rd graders! Quick assessment, too! Thanks for sharing it!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  2. Gina- been thinking about your small groups. What is your email?

    Rowdy in First Grade
