Monday, March 18, 2013

Are you lucky?

The post title asks if you are lucky.... well I have been lucky enough to get to know the LOVELY Jenn from Rowdy in First Grade. If you don't know her, you are sure missing out! She has been such a HUGE help to me the past month or so and I just love that I have another amazing friend through this TpT/Blogging journey. She has quickly become my bloggy bff and sometimes our random texts are what get me through the day.Too bad we can't play scrambled states and put TN next to TX.

I know St. Patrick's Day is over, but Jenn and I have been slacking a little enjoying our spring breaks instead of getting this post ready. Maybe you had to drag your tush out of bed today like we did, or maybe you are still waiting as the weeks draaaag by until your spring break. But now that we are both back to work we have something spectacular to share with you- to help ease the pain!

Maybe you are lucky in friendship too (and I sure hope you are)... but now is your chance to get lucky with our giveaway! Jenn and I have teamed up to offer you 4 of our newest products!! We will each pick a winner from the rafflecopter so TWO people will be lucky enough to win these beautiful units...

From Jenn: (clicking on the image will take you to the product listing on TpT)

And from me:  (again, clicking the pic will take you to TpT listing)

Simply enter the rafflecopter below and we will announce the winners on Saturday (I have this thing set up to end Friday... but I am not sure if it means Friday morning or Friday night. So just save yourself from missing out and enter now :) )
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I just started following your blog and am off to check out your comparative adjectives unit! We are teaching this now and I've had no time to create something of my own!
    Literacy Spark

  2. OH.My.Goodness! I just found your site and have started following you. Holy Cow, I love your background!!!! I am fanatical about Disney, and absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your decor!
    So cool.
