Monday, March 25, 2013

Get to know me & enter an AMAZING Giveaway!

I have to say I am LOVING Mrs. Reed's Let's Get Acquainted Linky! It is a nice get to know your fellow bloggers linkup. So if you haven't joined up yet, I highly recommend it. 

So without further ado, here is this week's topic... 

The Noun Game
Simply name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal 

Really... I certainly can't pick just I am sorry Latoya but I am breaking the rules. Tim and Payton are obviously my favorites ever. But really, everyone in my family is. I am a family person and really couldn't pick just one. So I am going to change it to favorite BLOG person. And that is my BBFF Jenn. I swear talking to her gets me through some days. Thanks for being so stellar Jenn!

Well if this isn't obvious, I am not sure what to tell you, DISNEY!

Books. And pens. I love to read (and so I could say my nook is my favorite thing too since it contains half my books). And what can I say, I have a pen obsession. I just bought the Bic Crystal bold pens today. I LOVE them!

My dog Roscoe. He isn't smart but he is sure cute and I love him. Outside of pets, my favorite wild animals are bottlenose dolphins and killer whales. 

Now, I know I mentioned a stellar giveaway. Have you heard of Greg at Kindergarten Smorgasboard? If not, hurry and go follow him. He is hilarious! And really creative too! But I don't need to brag on him because you will love him as soon as you "meet" him too. He is having a HUGE celebration right now. He has reached over 1000 blog followers!!! There are 5 different giveaways going on with all different grade levels. On top of TONS of other prizes in each giveaway, you can enter to win a prize from my store too. Go check it out here

Seriously if this button doesn't make you want to get over there and check him out, idk what will!

Well that is all for me for tonight friends. I have to get some sleep and prepare for a big week of observations, test prep, guest blogging, etc, etc, know how it is!

PS Stay tuned... in a couple weeks I will have a brand spanking new blog design! And no more having to delete my signature because I can't figure out what on earth I did to it!!


  1. I came over from Flying Into First Grade's linky! It's so nice to meet you! Can you believe that I have never been to Disney World?! :-) Lauren Teacher Mom of 3

  2. Oh my gosh-I was looking at those Bic pens-I love bold ink pens. So you give them a thumbs up? I'll have to try them! I love Disney too-I live about 40 minutes away and just booked a Disney cruise for the end of April.
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. I can't wait to see your new blog design! Yay! That is always super exciting. I just bought those pens and they are awesome!!! Almost makes grading fun! oxox

    Second Grade Sparkle
