Sunday, April 14, 2013

Holy Guacamole! 3 sale items as promised!

I have been so busy this past week that I did not even notice I surpassed 300 followers! As promised, I have 3 items on sale for $1.00 each for 3 days. I will turn the sale off Tuesday night so grab them up now! The top three choices on the poll were:
Victor and Vicky Verb (this one was a big hit with my kiddos)

Comparing and Contrasting nonfiction articles (they loved these stories too)
Sentence Sleuths- Sentence types (this would be GREAT to pull out for end of the year review)

Welcome to all my new followers and thank you to ALL 308 of you that are following along with me on this journey! I will hopefully be back to posting more regularly in the next week or two. Test prep is kicking my butt more than it is kicking my students' tushes!


  1. YIPPEEEE....I was your 307th follower and am running over to nab up your sweet dollar deals right noe. My Thirders will love them and so will I !


  2. I am so needing that compare and contrast! I am on my way to buy it now:)

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  3. Congrats on 300! I LOVE this community and am thankful for being a part of it!

  4. I felt a little guilty buying your Compare & Contrast Pack for so cheap!!

    Amber :)
    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
