Monday, April 1, 2013

No Jokin'- it's April

Can you believe it is already April?! That means just about 6 weeks left of school for us. And just 3 more weeks to prepare for THE TEST. At this point, we are just reviewing for the test and trying to get comfortable with test style questions. But enough about that... it is time for something fun. Farley's Currently Link Up! These are some of my favorite things to do!

Listening- I love Pandora. I pick some of my favorite singers, make stations, then shuffle them.

Loving- My observations for the year are OVER. It is a HUGE stress relief knowing those are done. Last semester they were so far behind that I had to wait until this semester to have my FIRST semester observation. So I have had 3 in the past 3 months. But they are done and I am happy.

Thinking- well, my last observation was Thursday and I really want to see the scores. I think the lesson went really great but I won't feel comfortable until I SEE the scores. Even though my principal was smiling through the observation, I still want the scores.

Wanting- I ordered some guided reading books from Amazon last night. I should have one by Wednesday and the other was shipped from someone selling it used so hopefully that will come in the next week. I WILL do better at guided reading next year. If you have any suggestions, ideas, blog posts, resources, that you LOVE that help with guided reading, leave a comment please :)

Needing- we have TCAP/Math/Science night on Thursday. We each have to come up with a math or science activity that kids can do. I decided to be practical and show something they can do at home. I am using Hope King's Math Centers and choosing one activity to present and model. Simple and can be done at home, without buying anything. Thank's Hope for these amazing centers!

Advice- Only compare yourself to YOURSELF. I know it is hard to not compare yourself to other teachers, other bloggers, other TpT sellers, whatever the case may be. But as long as you are being a better you TODAY than you were YESTERDAY then that is all that matters. Just work on yourself and don't worry about anyone else.

Make sure you link up with Farley for this fun!

And please vote on the poll on the right! I really want your input!


  1. We have 8 weeks to go! I can not believe it's April. Thanks for the great advice. Being fairly new to the blogging world, it is something I must strive to remember.

  2. Hi Gina:
    I'm glad your observations are over. What a relief!
    I love your new blog look--especially the swirls around the sides. CUTE!
    I'm sharing your advice with my kids when we return: "Be a better you today than you were yesterday!" Great words of wisdom!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. I too love your advice. It is hard when you are starting out not to compare yourself to others but your advice of trying to improve yourself each day is fantastic. Thanks for sharing that.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. tomorrow is always another day to try harder! :) love your advice! (and your blog!)

  5. LOVE your new blog look...adorable! Christi did mine too! :)

    Third Grade All Stars

  6. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when observations are officially over!?

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road
