Friday, June 14, 2013

Fabulous Feedback Linky (is it you?!) and a giveaway!

A while back Christina from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge did a post on leaving quality feedback on your purchases on TpT. Clicking the image below will take you to her post. 

Getting feedback really helps us as sellers and, if you didn't know, it gives you TpT credits that you can use towards another purchase.
Christina had the idea to do a fabulous feedback linky and it was a big success (except for the fact that I forgot to post and missed out on the fun!). So now I am here to join in...

(Clicking this picture will take you to Christina's post where you can see all the bloggers that have linked up. Who knows, you may have won on their blogs!)
Here's the idea... I am going to choose 2 comments that have been left as feedback on my products. I will post the product below along with the comment and user name of the person who left the feedback. That person who left the feedback will then get to email me and choose a similarly priced item from my TpT store to receive for FREE! How's that for fun??

First up:

This has been my favorite feedback to date. Deanna33 (who I can only assume has a real first name of Deanna) has made me so incredibly happy with that one comment. My Comparing and Contrasting passages took a lot of time. You can find them here in my TpT store. I am going to put them on sale for 20% off for the weekend in honor of this amazing comment!

Next up:


This is one of my newest products. My kids LOVE making ABC books so I figured I would make them cuter than just some printer paper stapled together. And I added a couple different options, as you can see from Good Enough Teacher's comment. I was worried no one would want to use these books, but I am not worried anymore. ( I know I can't be the onloy one who worries every time they post a new product righ!?) You can find this one here. Also, on sale for 20% off for the weekend.

So Deanna33 and Good Enough Teacher, email me at thirdgradetidbitsATgmailDOTcom so we can get you your free item!

Oh and don't forget to run (don't walk, seriously) to Christina's blog to enter her AMAZING giveaway!

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