Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Made It- LOTS of it

I have fallen off the blogging boat this past week. Things have just been out of hand. I have been beyond busy, I go back officially in 2 weeks, and I have a mile long to do list. So forgive me for being completely out of it. I am a few posts behind on Teach Like a Pirate too, but I have the notes all written, so I will try to get them all typed. I also have to get my huge giveaway set up. It is coming sometime this week I promise. But I am taking a break from stressing to share some Monday Made Its.

I have quite a few because it has been a couple weeks since I linked up.

1. Chart Paper Holder- idea from Mrs. Jones Teaches.

I have never had a chart paper holder and just put my charts on binder rings and hung the from big clips. Classy... but then I saw her post and knew this just HAD to be done. And she was even nice enough to tell me the exact dimensions (if you want to make one, scroll down to the comments and you will find exactly what you need. I am SO excited about this. I painted mine teal to match my colors. I went to the teacher store here and got some of the big chart paper rings to hold the paper. And ta-da. Less than $20 and it is cute!

2. Letter organization box- idea from A Teeny Tiny Teacher

There is absolutely nothing fabulously cute about this one. But it is such a smart idea. I have struggled with my bulletin board letters for years. I would get so fed up they would just be scattered all over the place. Then last year I got this bright idea to give each letter a Ziploc bag and store all the bags in a plastic shoe box. It was working ok except it was a pain to have to take out 12 bags until I got to the letter M. And then put them back in order. And then I saw this post. Well DUH Gina. Off to Hobby Lobby I went, got myself a cute box, and am so excited. Mine didn't come with a lot of index cards so I just used some large plain index cards to make dividers. I did capital and lowercase of each letter. Nothing fancy and I didn't have time to make it cute, but it is functional, and that is what matters.

3. Where are we sign-idea from Teaching with a Touch of Twang

Now the concept of the where are we sign was not new to me. But being in the trailer the past three years, I could never have one because if I hung it outside my would be OUTSIDE. But I am finally moving back into a class and knew I needed to make one of these. But this one did not come easy. I went outside to spray paint it quickly. Should have been a no brainer. What I didn't realize was that it was windy and starting to rain. So all of a sudden I had grass and water drops on my pan. I was so mad I almost threw it out. I gained my composure and got some regular black paint, and painted it like a normal person. I printed the labels from my Pirate Pop Decor set and used cute stickers for the title. I am going to use a glitter clothespin to mark where we are (they are packed away somewhere) and hang it outside my class door. I just have to add my ribbon.

4. Student book marks- found in my Pirate Pop Decor Set

I always give my kids bookmarks but I wanted something to match my theme this year. So I made these with a Walt Disney quote on them (of course) and will be giving them out on the first day of school.

5. Daily 5 signs- found in my TpT Store

I like to label where the different areas are and of course had to match my theme. I made separate ones for my own class that say Teacher (where I will meet with kids) and Computers (because my kids will go to computers during D5).

6. Library checkout sticks

For the past 4 years I have used laminated construction paper for my kids to check out library books. They would put the card where their book came from. This way they would know exactly where their book came from. Last year we lost a couple numbers (probably inside books somewhere) and I decided I needed something cuter. So I made these sticks. I just painted some craft sticks and glued on the number cards (again, in my decor set).

7. Behavior Clip Chart- from The Printable Princess

Ok all I did was print and laminate and put together this one. But I LOVE it! I am so glad that someone already had a super cute pirate themed one so that I didn't have to actually make one myself. And I love the recording sheet that comes with it.

8. Group baskets

I always have an issue with supplies. But I think this year I might have the solution. We use class supplies. Everyone's glue sticks, pencils, dry erase markers all come from the same pile. (They keep their own crayons, colored pencils, markers, and scissors.) So this year, I have decided to be the supply police. ALL of my supplies that are CLASS supplies are going to be labeled with patterned duct tape. Each group has a bucket. And what you see in the pictures above is how they will be organized. I found the baskets on clearance for $1.50 at Hobby Lobby, cups at the Dollar Tree, and the small containers were a pack of 4 or 5 at Hobby Lobby.

9. Personal Word Walls

I make my kids personal word walls every year. Except usually they aren't so cute. Just some boxes on a file folder. I finally decided to cutesy the idea up and made personal word walls for each grade. Clicking the image above will take you to all of the word walls.

10. Daily 5 Detectives

While reading the Daily 5 book I decided to make some activities that I can use while teaching each different part of the D5 to my students. These are in my TpT store for free and you can find them all by clicking on the image above.

11. My Teacher's Secret Life activity

I heard of this book at some point last year but could NEVER find it. I finally trekked to the public library and found it. Loved it. And ordered my own copy. And then I made a small little pack to go with it for Back to School time. (You can find it by clicking on the image above.)

And because you made it to the end... a picture of my cute daughter helping me do work...
If you have something that you made, make sure to join in Tara's fun linky. Or just look at all the links. You are sure to add tons to your to do list!


  1. First of all, your blog is super cute! I love the design. I enjoyed seeing all of your Made-its. The pirate theme looks like a lot of fun. I like the way you have students checkout books. I'm always looking for a way to minimize the books that go MIA in my classroom. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Thanks for the shout out, exciting that you are back in the building! Such cute stuff!!! I feel the same way, we are in the process of buying a house and my blogging/crafting has fallen by the wayside :o( Come back to school time it will be overloaded with goodies though! I have never heard of My Teacher's Secret Life so I am going to go check that out right now! Thanks for all the good ideas!

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  3. You have been busy! Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and creations!

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

  4. WOW! You have been busy. I love all your pirate stuff! I am going to label my classroom supplies with fun tape, too.

    Simply 2nd Resources

    1. Haha remember this is two weeks worth of busy. So it is not THAT much. I am hoping labeling with the tape will minimize the supplies growing legs and walking away!

  5. So many great things! Boy you have been busy! I think your pirate theme is going to be adorable.

    room 4 imagination

  6. WOW! You've been busy. I am SO sad that I haven't linked up for a Monday Made It all summer...ugh. I've been doing a bunch, but nothing super exciting yet to post :)

    Teach on a Limb

  7. Wow! I feel like a lazy bum now, haha. You've done some awesome things this summer! I really like the chart paper holder! I have such a small room so I end up just ripping 1 paper off at a time and hanging it on my white board with magnets. But that holder seems super do-able! Thanks for sharing =)

    The Resource Room Teacher

  8. I cantotally understand the craziness that comes with the back to school race. Good luck with it all!

    I love the pirate bookmarks, and the check out idea!
    Learning in the Little Apple

  9. Thanks for the shout-out, Gina! Your chart paper holder looks amazing!

    Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
