Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Made It- Pirate Style

I am linking up with Tara again for

But before I start, make sure you hop over to another book study I am participating in.

I was so busy last week that I didn't even post. Bad blogging friend! But I am back to share with you something that took me an eternity forever. As you may have read/figured out, I am doing a pirate theme next year. But everything I found was red and black. And that just wasn't enough color for me. You have seen a couple pieces of my pirate theme set, but it is finally.all.done!

In a few other posts I shared some of the pieces to this set, already put together. If you missed those, I will link them at the bottom. On top of what I have already shown, there are 2 sets of calendar cards- one with seasonal art, one with no art. I included 3 sets of calendar numbers so you could practice patterns on your calendar by mixing and matching the cards. There are also days of the week cards (I used them on my drawers that will be linked at the bottom) and cards for today is, tomorrow will be, and yesterday was.

The next batch of fun includes subject cards and blank cards. I used the subject ones in drawers (post at the bottom) but they could also be used for schedule cards. I included blank ones so you could write subjects in that maybe I didn't include or to use them as group labels. I also included 8 desk name tags. My kids loved these last year and utilized them a lot. I just suggest covering them up when you are doing tests on facts (multiplication facts). 


This next picture shows an example of the alphabet cards that are included. There are 2 more sets of numbers but these are not calendar numbers. These can be used for many other things. I am using one set for my library check out system (post about this coming soon) and the other set is being used for my computer rotations.

There you have it. I love the way it all came together. The first picture will take you to the listing on TpT. Oh! I forgot there is also a student binder cover included!! I can't wait to get in and decorate!

Links to posts referenced here:

Labels for days of week and subjects and word wall

Noise and Sound Check


  1. Cute pirate theme set! Love the Book Whisperer, it is such an easy read and full of really great information.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

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