Saturday, May 3, 2014

It's May!

Which means a lot of things.... it's my 30th birthday month (on the 10th), the end of the school year is upon us, TCAP is over, and I have a couple other things to announce... but you will find them out after my Currently!

Listening- seriously when are we NOT listening to Frozen?! Payton is obsessed with it. Even if she isn't watching it, she is singing it! Today she happens to be watching it.

Loving- TCAP is over! We finished yesterday. Things have been crazy stressful here and this being over is one BIG weight lifted off my shoulders a little. Not completely because I don't know their scores yet, but the hard part is over.

Thinking- I need to pack. We are moving. And not just a little move. We are moving from TN back to our hometown in NY. Almost all of our stuff is already there in our new house... just some of our stuff and us are still here.

Wanting- Now that my students know (not that any read this or anything but just to be safe, I waited) it is safe to tell.. this week is my last week at work. I tried to make it until the end of the year but my husband's job needs him up there now, so we must go. I want the week to hurry so we can move onto the next phase in our lives, but I know (as stressful as things have been) I will be sad to leave my kids and coworkers. Also, Saturday is my birthday. My 30th. And I will be spending it driving. YUCK.

Needing- more of the big news. I will not be teaching when we move. Unfortunately, I do not have my teaching license in NY. It is a very long story but basically, because I held an initial license once and it expired (because we moved here) and I never got my master's degree... I am out of luck until I get my master's. I am not sure if it is worth it because teaching jobs are hard to get there and I am afraid I will pay 10k+ and over a year of my time getting the master's and still not get a job. So I kinda need to figure out what I will do if it isn't teaching.

Surprise- I am so glad this is in this month's currently. I was JUST bragging about this on my facebook page, but now I get to do it here too! This year, for morning work, my students did a plethora of things. We had a routine. And it was GOOD. And effective. And just perfect. One portion of my morning work routine was the Weekly Word Work made by Denise at SunnyDays. We did 4 boxes each day and checked them together. Because of this, when skills came up in Language Arts, for the most part, my students already knew them! It was a great help because we didn't have a lot of time to focus on the language arts portion and it makes up a BIG chunk of our testing. Thank you Denise for making this so easy to use! I saw tons of growth in my students this year compare to prior years.

Be sure to check out Farley's blog by clicking the button below!


  1. Hey! I found you through the May Currently link up! I am right there with you about the testing! Shew!


  2. I am sure you will find what you need to be doing. There is something wonderful ahead for you...I just know it!


  3. Best of luck to you with the big move and all of the changes ahead! Everything happens for a reason, and I'm sure you will find exactly what you will need!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  4. Happy 30th birthday (yesterday)!! Sorry you were driving, but I hope you were able to make the best of it. Best of luck to you in NY. If teaching doesn't work out up there, it just wasn't meant to be, and something better will come along.

