Sunday, July 22, 2012

Calling all creative people...

I came up with the name Third Grade Tidbits on a quick spur of the moment decision. And I picked a random template from a design page. I do love my design, for now at least, but I am not sure I am a fan of my title. I need some help! Let me tell you a little about me so that maybe you could help me come up with a new name... and in the future, a new blog layout.

I love Disney... maybe some might even call it obsessed.
I teach 3rd grade obviously.
I love to read but my best subject is math (though I am not sure I want this included anywhere)
My last name starts with an S
My favorite quote is "If you can dream it, you can do it." ~ Walt Disney
My current classroom color scheme is pink, black, silver/gray, and damask (see my toolbox to get an idea)

I'd really like it to have some relation to Disney/Magic/Memories/Dreams... but at the moment my brain is fried... help a new blogger out!!


  1. Hi, Gina!
    I love your blog and look forward to reading more from you! I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger award and Liebster Blog award. Visit my blog to pick up your award. :)


  2. Hi! I just worked with Christi from Design by Christi to design my blog. I gave her an idea and she just ran with it. She was great!

    I'm your newest follower!
    Third Grade All Stars

  3. I love your Braves jersey in your profile picture! :) I live in Atlanta and am a huge Braves fan! I worked with Honey Bunch Blog Designs to get my blog design! Come by and check it out!

    Elementary Adventure

  4. Thanks everyone! Once I figure out what I want I will get a design that is more me.
