Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cyber Monday {+ Tuesday}

I have never participated in the Cyber Monday sales (as a shopper I mean) because well, I am always at work. Now Black Friday... I am always going out for something. But this year, I am participating in Cyber Monday in a different way... as a seller. That's right! TpT is having a HUGE sale for Cyber Monday (+ Tuesday). They are giving 10% off plus all of my items will be marked down 20%. That ends up being a total of 28% off! Just use the code CMT12 on Monday or Tuesday when you check out! Start filling up that wishlist/shopping cart now because you do NOT want to miss out on these amazing prices!

Here are just a few things I have recently added..
There's an Elf in Our Classroom
 This has only been posted for a brief while and has already become a top seller. It is 60+ pages of Elf mischief and fun. Be sure to check it out by clicking on the image to take you directly to the listing.

Snowy Suffixes
 This is new and I briefly mentioned it in an earlier post (I think... this flu has really worn me down). I am doing suffixes next week and was trying to be ahead of the game and plan at least one thing before Thanksgiving. Hip Hip Hooray I did plan ONE thing. And this was it. It is a week long, 30-45 min a day lesson and activity. Again, click the link to take you to the description and listing.

Victor/Vicky Verb
I mentioned this before and we just now finished them up (I was out of the room twice in the past two weeks and it took a lot of my plans and threw them all kinds of upside down). My kids absolutely LOVED this. We only did the writing and craftivity part because I created the practice pages AFTER realizing what would have helped my children more. We will probably be doing the practice pages for review of this skill. As soon as I get more things checked off my to do list, I have a post planned to show off some Victors and Vickys!

I also have a December writing calendar available. But I can't seem to get the image to load, so just click the link.

Now... I am in the process of getting some more things created by the time this sale starts. In the works: December Literacy Centers, December Food Writing (similar to my Turkey Treats), Jan-March writing calendars, etc. I plan to be very busy in the next few days. I will be sure to update you if/when I get things finished!

I am linking up with many other teachers participating in the sale. Be sure to check out their posts too!

And a HUGE thank you to Michelle from the 3AM Teacher for setting this linky and button up for us!!



  1. Hi! I love your blog & wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award.

    Check it out here.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. Man! I nominated you as well! I guess you're all kinds of awesome :)

    The Wild Rumpus

  3. Your blog is adorable! I found you through The Realistic Teacher's Liebster nominations. I am also participating in the Cyber Monday sale!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

  4. Gina, you have some pretty darling stuff here! I'd love to product swap if you'd like to blog & share!
    Please stop by!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  5. I enjoy reading your blog! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste the web address. I am still learning how to embed a link in a comment. Check it out here:
    Have Fun!
