Saturday, November 24, 2012

December Literacy Centers

I promise I will become a more regular blogger again! I am so far behind in everything that I haven't even had a chance to read all my favorite blogs. I see so many that I want to read as they post, but I have 2.5 seconds at a time. Which could be why it took me FOR.EV.ER to finish my December centers. BUT they are done! And just in time for the sale on Monday/Tuesday! I can't guarantee that I will get anything else done by Monday because I have a stack of about 500 papers to grade (maybe not 500 but it is over 200 that's for sure). And I have no lesson plans done for this week, except for spelling. THAT is not going to cover an entire day's worth of teaching. I just want to share with you some quick pictures of my centers, because I know the previews on TpT aren't the greatest. If you want to purchase these (definitely do it during the sale because they will turn out to be $3.60 instead of $5.00), you can click on any of these images and they will take you right to the item listing. I am going to be holing myself away to get these papers graded and lesson plans done and then I am planning to get back to creating and blogging... I have so much I want to share with everyone! These are just pics of the different pages for each center. Now... I haven't even had my kids do my own November centers BUT they are all cut out and ready and I plan to do them next week after testing ( I guess I kinda do have plans done) so that my kids can have a break from sitting in their desks and still be learning! But these ones I fully intend to have ready to use all of December.

Ok I am off to make a dent in my to do list (I suppose step 1 would be to MAKE the to do list..ugh). I will be back sometime in the hopefully near future!



  1. Thanks a lot for a ton of new stuff I have to buy! ha-ha. I honestly think I have your whole store in my TPT cart!!

    Seriously, I just nominated you for a Liebster Award. Stop by and pick it up.

  2. I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award :) Go to this post for your instructions...Congratulations!

    If you are ready to swap units for Christmas Centers...mine are ready :) Just email me.

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade
