Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Linky

I am linking up with Jen from The Teacher's Cauldron to share some New Year's Resolutions! Every year, people make resolutions. I have made them. I never stick to them. So this year, I am making goals for myself. Jen shared ONE personal and ONE blogging... but in order to keep myself accountable (and sane) there are a few things I know I need to do this year... so here they are:

*Grade papers every free minute while at work (NOT during planning time though- unless ALL planning and prep is done). I try to take papers with me every where I go. When we take bathroom breaks, when I am waiting to pick my kids up from support, when we are going to an assembly and I know we will have to wait 15 min for it to start. I have been slacking on this and I need to get back to it. Because without fail- my bag is overflowing with papers that need to be graded by Wednesday.

*Understand that I can't do it all. There is one of me, 20+ kids, 20+ sets of parents, a bajillion administrators/board members...and all pulling me in all different directions. I have to accept that I can not possibly do everything. I have to do what is best for my students and myself. End of story.

*Try to post 3x a week (using my friend Tara's lovely calendars is helping me a lot!). I also want to try to make sure that my posts aren't rushed. I have a lot that I want to share but often leave it out because I am rushing.

*Read for enjoyment. I have to. It is my downtime.

*And my GOAL is to lose some weight (I have a number that I won't be sharing). I am in a wedding in Sept and I would like to feel good about myself- not just then, but always.

So what are your goals/resolutions? Link up! (Click the image below to take you to Jen's blog.)



  1. Your resolutions sound a lot like mine. I love finding new third grade blogs...I am thrilled to be your newest follower!!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

    1. Oh...BTW...I am adding you to my favorite third grade blogs on my pinterest site.

      Kathy O.
      Third Grade Doodles

  2. I hear you on the grading of papers. I was lucky enough this year to get an aide who helps me with a lot of the grading. It's been fantastic! Good luck with your goals. Happy New Year!


  3. Just found your blog. I also teach 3rd grade and get pumped every time I find another fabulous 3rd grade blog. =)

    Have a happy New Year!
    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith
