Monday, December 31, 2012


I always go into denial over school breaks... especially when it gets closer to break ending. But it is time for me to get out of denial and get back into lesson planning. With that said, I am having a quick 15% off sale for everything in my TpT store until tomorrow.

We have plans to go out to dinner and relax at home tonight with the best part of our lives (our daughter). Between today and tomorrow I must:

Grade all my papers (a good 100+)
Input report card grades...we do standards based... so over 30 categories for 20 kids....
Plan lessons for the week
Get my New Year's Resolution activity made and ready for my kids to complete Wednesday and Thursday (it is going on my board- which is due Friday)
And I would like to get my January centers done... but since I haven't even started those yet I am not so sure...

Ok off to get ready for dinner and maybe get one or two things done before we leave :) have a great night!


  1. Yikes! That's waaaaay too much going on. Sorry you have to go back so soon!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  2. I am so with you on the denial! They always say teachers are worse than students! I'm so glad I found your blog through the The Third Grade Bookworm. I am always looking for new ideas for third grade. I can't wait to read more!

