Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's that time...

Yep... time for 2 things... winter break to end (that's the sad part of this post) AND Farley's Currently (that's the exciting part of this post). I missed last month's currently because things were a little hectic. And if I don't post this one today, I will end up missing this one too because I head back to work tomorrow.

So without further ado...
Most of this is pretty self explanatory, and you can see the theme here is ORGANIZE. I am so not organized. It is AWFUL! I have so many amazing resources yet every time I start a new unit I have to dig through files and crates and binders to find everything. I started this past summer getting it all organized. I have ALL my grammar resources in a binder sorted by skill. I have almost all of my science done by unit. I started my reading skills and some math skills. And then I lost steam. I have over 2 years worth of good stuff to organize. So my goal is to do a small stack each weekend. I THINK my best option is to first sort everything by subject (this will probably take a weekend or two) THEN break each subject down by skills and begin putting them in the right binders. We will see how it goes.

As you can also see...I go back to work tomorrow (sad face). So I need to finish getting everything ready. BUT I am going to try to keep up with blogging and creating things for my TpT store and I have my to do lists and calendars ready to go!

Join up and add your currently to Farley's Linky!



  1. I need to organize too. And I'm just not sure if it's in my blood...because I always mess it up!!! But it does feel good to get it done. Good luck with that. I'm a new follower of yours! I'm trying to get to 50 followers if you would like to help me out!! no pressure :)

    Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

  2. I love the OLW, organize! I also like how your grammar is all in binders! If I don't use it in the past year, I dump it! My life runs smoother this way!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  3. I sometimes feel the same way about organization. I have things boxed and I still cannot find stuff. LOL I discovered your blog though Farley's Currently! GOod luck with back to school.
