Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Google Reader is going away...

Do you use google reader to read all the blogs you follow? I will admit, I didn't even know this was an option until news broke that it was going away for good. And then I went and checked it out. And I shouldn't have. Because I loved it. Since it is going away I had to find a different way to read all my blogs. And here are the solutions I have found.

First- before finding out that google reader existed, I would simply go to my blogger dashboard and just read the posts at the bottom where it lists all the blogs I follow and all their posts.
This is a simple option if you use a blogger account.

Then someone mentioned feedly. I downloaded this app on my ipad and enjoyed it. Once you create an account, you can import all your blogs you follow from your google reader account with the click of a button. Simple.
And then I heard about bloglovin. It seems this was everyone's favorite. So I went and checked it out. Same idea as feedly. Create an account and it will transfer all your blogs you follow with the click of a button.
Now, I want you to look carefully at the titles of the posts that show up in each picture. You will notice that feedly directly matches what I would see on my blogger dashboard. But bloglovin is missing a couple posts and I also found out today that while my settings SHOW I am following someone's blog, their posts don't show up in my feed.

ETA... when I just went to bloglovin to look something up, my feed changed. I now see this...
This one directly matches my blogger feed without things missing. About 20 minutes ago when I looked the Book Study post was missing (as well as the one on top but I have been told it takes a little time delay to get the posts published).  I think I will continue to play around with both to see what works best for me...

I just found something else I like about bloglovin. When you click on one of the blogs (say I clicked on the top post up there), it will open in a new tab and you will find this at the top...
I can click the "older" button and it will take me right to the next post on my list (in this case it would be the True Story post).

What I don't love... when I try to leave a comment, it leaves that bloglovin page and I have to either go back or head back to the bloglovin main page and start again. But I think that is something I can get over because I wasn't having good luck posting comments from feedly on my ipad (I haven't tried from the computer yet).

I think this one just comes down to personal preference. They both have their perks, I suggest just trying them out and seeing which one you like best. If you already use one, which one do you use?
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. I have been experimenting and thinking a lot about this lately too. Have you tried Google Plus yet? I like the format but a lot of the blogs I follow aren't on there...It will be a big change.

    BTW...Can you tell me what font you used in your post? I love it. Easy to read and still very cute. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. I just opened a bloglovin account- I'd never heard of Google Reader either until I heard it was going, then I looked into it etc. I've managed to set up a "follow bloglovin" button on my blog too for people to click on- although apparently the Google Friend Connect isn't disappearing like people were saying- just the reader... so in summary I don't really know what's best haha! I just started playing with Bloglovin' because everybody else seemed to be!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  3. I'm still trying to fall in love with BlogLovin'. I'm not there yet, but I'm trying ;)

    Fun in Room 4B

  4. So will we still be able to read posts in our Blogger account ? I'm kind of used to doing it that way.

    Teach on a Limb

  5. @Mrs. G

    Yes as far as I know. That is how I usually read them too. I am trying to get used to using bloglovin though because it is a pretty good layout.

  6. I usually just read them on the blog feed too or by blog hopping. I haven't converted to blog lovin' yet, ugh. Do I need to? I have 150+ followers I don't want to lose and start over from 0 again on blog lovin' is this what would happen?

    Pinkadots Elementary

  7. I didn't know about Google Reader either until someone said it was disappearing. I don't have a blogger account, so I didn't even know that you could follow that way. I was clicking on buttons to read blogs and I was missing so many because I got behind with taking the links. I am now using Bloglovin and I am so happy to be able to keep up with the blogs that I am following.

    Charlene/Diamond Mom
    Diamond Mom's Treasury
