Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Aaargh You a Pirate?

I am so excited to announce this amazing book study with you. My friend Jenn from Rowdy in First Grade and I are cohosting the book study on Teach Like a Pirate. Have you heard of this book before? Read it? It is a really good book. And we have gathered some FANTABULOUS bloggers to join us and lead discussions on each chapter. Each chapter (or set of 2 chapters for some) will have a host (or two) that will post their in depth thoughts about their chapter. Jenn and I will post little blurbs about each chapter, but to get to the really good stuff and the discussion, you will want to head to the blog host for that chapter. Since there are a lot of amazing book studies going on this summer, we tried to make ours last only a month, so there will be posts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Here are the blogs you will want to follow.

Chapter 1- (June 11)
Guided Math

Chapter 2- (June 13)

Chapter 3- (June 16)
Thinking Out Loud

Chapter 4- (June 18)
Purely Paperless

Chapter 5- (June 20)
Growing Firsties

Chapter 6- (June 23)

Chapter 7- (June 25)

Chapter 8&9- (June 27)

Chapter 10&11- (July 2)

Chapter 12- (July 4)

Chapter 13- (July 7)
Curls and a Smile

Chapter 14- (July 9)

Chapter 15- (July 11)
My Life as a 3rd Grade Teacher

Chapter 16- (July 14)
Peace, Love, & First Grade 

Chapter 17- (July 16)

Chapter 18&19-(July 18)
For the Love of Teaching Math

If you have read the book or are planning to read the book and want to join in the discussion and posts, we would LOVE to read your thoughts. We are going to have a link up where you can add a link to your posts for each chapter. If you link up, make sure you put your blog name AND which chapter the link will take readers to. This way you can link up multiple times. Make sense?  

So what do you say? Aaargh you a pirate? 


  1. I am so excited to read this book and join in this book study. I also just discovered some great blogs in the hosts...love finding "new" blogs. Thanks! :o)

  2. I have the book and am planning to read it soon. So, now I am even more excited to participate in the book study with you guys. I am also your newest follower!

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

  3. I'm looking forward to joining you on this book study! Will posts be every Tuesday?
