Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Made It

It is the first weekly Monday Made It of the summer and I am so excited. Last year I participated in a couple of these and just loved them. I think what I love more is looking at everyone else's posts and getting ideas for what I want to do. I have a lot of ideas,  but sadly I am not sure how many I will get done due to extreme exhaustion. (That is a story for another day.) Onto my Monday Made It...
One thing that I recently made is an activity for the classroom. I like to call it "30 minutes of teacher sanity right before a long weekend, vacation, etc." You know, when the kids just need something fun but still semi educational? Or you are in a pinch because you are so drained you didn't plan enough.
My students LOVE these activities. To make it more fun, we turn it into a competition. Each group works together to see who can come up with the most words. Typically I set the timer for about 20 minutes and they just work together to come up with words. First of all, they are working together. Second, they are working on spelling and vocabulary. and Third, they aren't being crazy about the upcoming long weekend or whatever it may be.
 I included 12 different phrases for students to use. They are:
Back to School
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Valentines Day
Groundhog Day
St Patricks Day
Hoppy Easter
Honor the Veterans
Summer Vacation
If you click the cover page, it will take you to the listing on TpT where you can download the preview to get the Groundhog Day one for free.

My next Monday Made It is for my daughter. Her birthday is coming up (seriously 2 years already?! I have no idea where the time went!) Her party is next Friday and I kinda haven't sent out invitations. Ooops. Good thing I have already verbally invited everyone that will be coming. I have seen tons of cute "ticket" style invitations floating around etsy, ebay, pinterest, etc. So I decided to give it a try to make it myself.
Personally I think they turned out really cute! And she loves them! Or just loves that Sofia is on them. I also made her a Happy Birthday Banner and Thank You cards but I will share those once they are printed out.

I am off to look at everyone else's posts to get ideas for what to make for next week!


  1. I do the same word activity with my kiddos and I call it "Words with Friends!" (They love it because of the App, of course!) I have it on my list to make a bunch more to add to TPT for this summer! I will have to head over and pick up yours to add to my classroom collection, too! I'm sure they'd love them :)

    Love the invitation! You are so creative! Hope she has an amazing party :)


  2. The invitation is adorable! Both my daughter's would love it!

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. Thanks Diane! Payton seems to love it..every time she sees it she yells EE UH EE UH (She can't say sofia LOL)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. It wasn't my idea, I found it online and just recreated it. With some KG fonts :)

  4. Love the invitation and the word work! Such a great way to practice teammwork and academics. Will be heading over to check it out on TpT!

    Success in Second Grade

  5. Gina, I am so happy that you are following my blog!
    I had to come on over and do the same!
    Your word work ideas are one of my favorites!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. LOVING your ticket creation!! SOO cute and perfect. Also love the new word work product, too :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  7. Love the themed "Boggle" word game! Thanks for sharing. I just found your blog through Made it Monday. I will stop by again. Caitlin (

  8. So cute! Love it! I am going to have to rethink my entire reading block because we are getting a new series....I'm not really a basal teacher....I like to have my freedom for daily 5 and this too cute word work:) Thanks for linking up:) It has taken me forever to be able to sit and read and catch up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  9. the tickets are adorable... did you make those using a certain program? I have been wanting to add to blogs using Currently, but I don't know how to make one of those.. but your ticket looks like a similar program... any help would be appreciated.. I would love to learn how just need a boost in the right direction.. so much fun technology!

    1. Hi Susan. I tried to email you some tips but you have your account set to no reply. If you get this, email me at thirdgradetidbitsATgmailDOTcom and I will send it again.
