Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 1- Passion

"Light yourself on fire with enthusiasm and people will come from miles around just to watch you burn." ~Dave Burgess, Teach Like a Pirate

It's time friends!! We are kicking off our Teach Like a Pirate book study today! Have you purchased and started reading your book yet?

Chapter 1 is all about Passion. And my favorite line... 
     "We are not passionate about everything we teach."  Whew! Doesn't it feel good to just admit that?
Dave discusses the three different areas of passion- Content, Professional, and Personal. 

My content passion- my favorite IB unit is our Sharing the Planet unit/conservation. I love reading but struggle with the best ways to teach it. But because I love it, I am always willing to work harder on it. What I hate- rocks/minerals and pretty much most other science. So, what do I do when I have to teach the things I hate?

Move onto my professional passion- My big one is the lightbulb moments. I may not like what I am teaching but I will work my hardest to see the lightbulb moments in my students. And I enjoy hearing my kids say they don't want to go home, they want to stay in third grade, they don't want me to be out, etc because they truly enjoy my class and coming to school. THAT is what teaching is all about. Not the test.

And the last area- personal passion- I don't know of a single student who doesn't want to get all up in your business. The more I incorporate my personal passions into my lessons and class discussions, the more intrigued the children are. If you love being crafty, incorporate arts and crafts into your lessons. My students are always interested in stories about Payton, so any time I can throw her into a lesson, I immediately have their attention. Even just starting a lesson with a simple- "Payton was coloring Easter eggs last night.." bam- I have their attention and all of a sudden we are sequencing and Payton is no longer involved. By adding personal passion into your lessons, it helps YOU to stay engaged and motivated as well.

Utilizing all 3 areas of passion is what is going to get us through the parts of the year that draaaag- you know, post spring break when there are NO.MORE.DAYS.OFF until summer. Passion. It will keep you sane. (Or as sane as a teacher can be post spring break.)

In the introduction to the book, Dave mentions that pirates are "daring, adventurous, and willing to set forth into unchartered territories with no guarantee of success."... They are "willing to travel to the ends of the earth for that which they value." Aren't those the types of characteristics we need to have as teachers? Have you lost that drive? Pick up this book and try to get it back!

Why did you go into teaching? I know it wasn't because you were so excited about THE TEST. I am guessing you went into it to change lives and make a difference. Focus on professional passion, be that teacher that you want to be, and

"Light yourself on fire with passion...and don't worry if it's not a controlled burn." 

For more information and to join in on the discussion from chapter 1, click the button below
Guided Math


  1. I couldn't agree more with you on this chapter, Gina. Passion is really what keeps me going on those long breakless stretches in the spring! I went into teaching to make a difference. When I see how much pressure is being put on us...often I become discouraged. It's a real 'passion dampener', you know? This book is really going to get my head screwed on straight over the summer. I'm excited to continue on with you guys! ;)


    Mrs.Russell's Room
    First Grade

  2. I've read part 1 and absolutely loved it! You summarized the 3 passions well. :) Thanks for sharing! By the way...the quote you used was my favorite quote from the book so far! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Isn't this book incredibly inspiring? I can't wait to link up with all of you, but it will have to wait until my Internet is fixed :/ Until then, I'm going to spend my time with this book! Thanks for the heads up about the book study!
    Fun in Room 4B

  4. My copy just came in the mail today. Can't wait to start reading (the book and everyone's posts).

  5. I LOVE this book so far! Thanks for letting me join in on the fun! Can't wait to continue!

    Thanks for hosting this!

    Koonce’s Korner

  6. Ok.....gonna be a total boob and ask a stupid question....When you say Chap. 1 do you mean just the section about passion and is that how you're doing the whole book or do you mean Part 1? Hoping section.....sorry:/ Late to the party...

    4th Grade Frolics

  7. I found your blog & details about this book at Koonce's Korner and I am intrigued! I have added it to my cart at Amazon...Hope it gets here soon!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  8. I love your post about the PASSION chapter!! Light bulb moments...yes!! I also love those moments where you realize some students don't want to leave! Well done!
