Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This is me...coming to you from my iPad!! Part 1

Last week I wrote a test post from my ipad and I had a few people wondering what app it was. I didn't want to blog about it until I decided how I really felt about it. I am here to tell you today, that so far, so good.  And I want to share with you a couple apps that I use to blog from my ipad. But since POSTING is the big thing, I will start with this app.

Here is the fantastic, FREE app..

Pretty straight forward app name. Posts. Because that is what I am doing here. Posting. Right from my ipad. You can add images from your ipad media or from a URL. And they go right where you put them. Then you can align them (I always put mine in the center if you haven't noticed.) THIS is a big deal for me because even the $5 app that I have didn't work that well! In fact, I gave up using that $5 app and was really upset because I bought the ipad with the sole purpose of blogging (I use it to take pictures in my classroom so I don't have to bring my very expensive camera to school with me. Yes I know I lose picture quality but I don't want anything to happen to the camera. The iPad stays with me at all times at school.) Then my friend Farrah mentioned this app to me and I just had to try it. 

See that hyperlink up there on Farrah's name (and you may have noticed the image is linked to the app page too)?  Yep, I can do that RIGHT ON THE APP. Another big plus. Just like you do it on your computer. With that $5 app, I had to delete the text, put the hyperlink in and put the text back. I was not a fan. I like to type up my entire post then go back and add all my links. It is quick and easy just like on the computer. 

(That is how you hyperlink. Hylight the text or click the image you want to link, then click that button. You will see a screen like this...)

Did I mention this app is free?

What else can it do?

This makes me happy too. Now, I haven't tried this feature yet. I planned to try it while waiting at the dentist yesterday, but I didn't have a wait. On the $5 app, anytime I tried to save a post due to being unfinished or no internet connection, the post would NEVER post. Even when I published it. It was AWFUL to say the least. This FREE app claims to not have that issue. Once I am somewhere with no internet I promise to try it out and report back to you.  But even without that feature I am just super excited that I have an app that allows me to blog as if I am on the computer. (Sheesh, I just now noticed how many tabs I have open in those pictures...)

Want to schedule your post (like I am doing right now, as you can see I am typing this at night but you will not see it until tomorrow)... you can do that too..

You click that little info button right there, and this will pop up...

Put your date and time in, and ta-da you have a scheduled post. And yes this works, I tried it with an earlier post. 

Oh... did you want to know what your post will look like when you finish? (I know I can't be the only one who likes to preview my post before publishing right?) Easy peasy... Click this little button here...

And you will see this...

(and this is why I like to preview my posts before I publish... because that is just way too much spacing between paragraphs)

The ONLY thing that I give a thumbs down on is that my super duper cute signature does not post if I blog from here. BUT I have figured out a solution to that (as you can see if you scroll down, my signature is definitely there). I went to blogger on my ipad, went into make a new post, went to the html section and copied the html for my signature. I pasted it into a note on my ipad, and then when I am working here, I can just click html and paste it in. 

If you want to know how I was able to add my logo to my pictures, or draw the arrows, stay tuned for future posts in the Coming to You from My iPad series. 

(Disclaimer- this app is FREE so I was not provided the app to write a review. In fact, I wasn't provided anything. The developers of this app probably most definitely don't know who I am. I just was so impressed with this app and have had a few friends talk about how mad they are that blogging from their ipad was almost impossible that I wanted to share. If you have an ipad and want to blog from it, go scoop this one up!)


  1. You are fabulous! Thanks so much for this great tutorial! I have an ipad and use it to check email and browse Pinterest. I'm excited to know now that I can post from it as well! Thanks again for sharing!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  2. Love this! And what a great tutorial you put together! I also downloaded the app, so thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Very informative! I have an iPad and never thought of doing posts straight from my iPad. I hear ya on the $5 apps! It is so frustrating to spend that and then not get the product you hoped for. Do you have a favorite app for reading/commenting on other's blogs?

    New Teaching Video: Target Teacher Haul
    Sprinkle Teaching Magic Blog

  4. Thank you for the honest review! So glad to know that I can download this and use it! Will probably use it for vacation!!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  5. Love, love, love this! This is one of the best parts about many people find so many COOL things to share!

  6. Great recommendation! I've always wondered about this! Thanks for sharing.

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  7. Thanks so much! I'm getting ready to buy an iPad. Haven't decided if I should get 32 or 64gb. What do you have?
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  8. Wow Gina thanks for sharing this great app! I can't wait to try it out...that is if I ever get back to blogging again...heh heh! It looks awesome! :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  9. This looks great! Can't wait to see the next posts in the series :)

    Teach on a Limb

  10. Can I tell you how awesome you are? This is like the best info ever! Thank you for the detailed tutorial, too!
    Fun in Room 4B

  11. Gina girl I am glad you love it!!! This app has saved my life! And I have used the WORK OFFLINE feature and it works like a charm :)!!!! Happy Blogging!!!

  12. This is great news, and a great tutorial! I've pinned this post, so I can find it in 9 days when I'm out of school and have time to explore!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  13. Thanks so much for sharing! This app (and you) just might have changed my blogging schedule! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  14. Thanks Gina!! Great post....I'm downloading the app right now!!

    :) Nancy
