Monday, October 14, 2013

Big News!!

Have your heard of educents? Surely if you read a lot of blogs you have... but you may be a little out of the loop or overwhelmed with school things and have missed the news. Educents is an amazing deal site for educators. And have we got a deal for you! Over 30 different resources are featured in this 3rd-5th grade curriculum bundle from some AMAZING people.

And I am extremely excited to be a part of the bundle with Educents!  I know you will love my Turkey Treats Writing and Craftivity. My kids LOVED this last year and I can't wait to pull it out again this year. Not only were my kids engaged, but their writing was pretty darn good too! I was rather proud. To see the post from last year, click on any of my classroom pictures in this post.

If you are new here or have forgotten, we did this activity last year and my kids loved it! They had SO MUCH FUN.... and the best part, they didn't even mind that they had a writing assignment! I loved it! Here are some pictures from last year (we haven't done it yet this year... contrary to the stores' decorations, it is NOT time for Turkeys).
The final writing assignment
Working with groups to determine the sequence of events 
The cutest turkey treat ever!
And my personal word walls for grades 3-5. I have always used personal word walls but I just cutsied them up this year. My kids LOVE having their own little books. Any time they need to know how to spell a word, they check their books first. If it is not there, they can ask me IF they have their book out and ready to write the word in the correct page. Most of my students know they need to have the book open to the correct page before asking, but I have some kids that aren't sure what the first letter is, so I work with them to help them identify the sounds... quick differentiated lesson there!
Sadly I don't have any pictures of my word walls being used because I always forget to take them and we have been on fall break! But after using them just a couple days my students were in the habit of taking it out any time they asked me a question.

There are over 30 other products in our bundle to get your kids learning!  Literacy, math, science, social studies, and so much more!   Hop along to see all the goodies you will get!  

But that's not all!   I am giving you a chance to Pin It to Win It (well you win any item from my store.)  Pin any image from my blog and enter below to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The deal won't last long so head over now!

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