Saturday, January 10, 2015

Slim Down Saturdays Jan. 10, 2015

It is time for the Slim Down Saturday linkup. This week has NOT been a good one for me. But I am not giving up!
This week started BAD. I wanted it to start good and I even bought a fitbit on Friday to help keep me motivated. Except then we spent 8 hours in the car driving Friday, sitting around, hanging out with family Saturday, and then another 8 hours in the car Sunday. Needless to say, those days were not good with steps. Then school started.... here are my results...
So, not AWFUL like I thought it would be. Not a gain. I somehow lost a pound. I say somehow because on Monday and Tuesday I binged. I felt like a bottomless pit. I could not get enough food in me. I also wasn't working out so it was bad. Wednesday we made a decently healthy dinner which I then used leftovers for as lunch on Thursday and Friday. I asked my husband to buy lots of fruits and veggies for me to snack on, which he did. So that helped. Thank goodness for the 2nd half of the week, because the first half was a doozy!

The other good thing from this week was that I definitely drank more water. So much so that I had to go to the bathroom at work. I definitely have a teacher bladder and rarely use the bathroom at work. I just never have to. Until I drank the amount of water I was drinking! But that is a good thing.

Things to do better: Don't binge... whew that was bad. Keep drinking water. No set amount yet, just keep doing it. And make the step goal. I have yet to make the 10k steps.

My goal- I need to get back to the gym. I haven't been since before winter break. I got sick, then I got busy, then this week was just a disaster being back at work. I was exhausted and it was FREEZING... and I just didn't want to drag Payton out in the cold to go to the gym. I have to get back next week.

My word is meals- because I am making it my goal to eat better meals. I am not saying I will eat the best all the time. Or that I will plan a ton in advance (though I am working on meal planning). But I want to at least have meals that are not full of bad food. Little bit at a time here.

If you want to link up, grab the image below and join in. (Anyone that doesn't know how- grab the image and save it. Open it up in powerpoint. Make a text box for each section of the chart and type your information in. Group everything together. Save as a picture.)


  1. Congratulations on making those positive changes. The more water I drink, the better I feel. For meal prep, I use a lot of the ideas from Once a Month Mom like cooking up a bunch of chicken and ground turkey on a weekend day. Then I add seasonings or sauces in batches and freeze them. It is really helpful to have healthy protein ready to go when I get home from work. The meat is also great to use for making salads for lunch. Good luck this week!

  2. Great job on the water! I had a rough week too and gained .6 but I have to realize that I didn't gain all this weight in a day so I won't lose it all in a week. We just need to keep going and realize that every small step is a step in the right direction for us to be the healthy women we want to be and will be. We can do this!

    Swinging for Success

  3. Sorry for double commenting, but I forget to say that I have a fitbit too. Let me know if you want to be friends on there to challenge each other!

    Swinging for Success

  4. There were so many times when I just wanted to binge! I have dum-dums for when I get that feeling. I know they aren't healthy, but they only have 25 calories each, and they last forever. They help me get over the whole "I'm starving!" feeling.

  5. I am right there with you on so many things. Last Monday I was in the car for 9+ hours taking my son back to UC Irvine and just knew there was no way to keep to healthy eating that day, and I was right, it happens. I also need to make it to the gym. Great job on not throwing in the towel when the beginning of the week wasn't going so well. I always say any loss, even 1 pound, is better than a gain. Bing eating is something I totally struggle with. I will do fantastic all day at school, probably because I have no time, then get home and totally blow it because I am starving. It is like once I start I just can't stop. I have found, for me, I keep a bar of 85% dark cocoa and break off just one square. It has 58 calories and lots of antioxidants and it helps me feel like I am having a treat without going wild. I have the fitbit too. I totally need to charge It has been setting in my drawer for several months. That is on my list for this week to do. Good luck with your goals this week, I know you can do it!

    Luv My Kinders

  6. Hey there...
    Hope you don't mind that I'm late to the linky! Better late than never to make positive body changes. I'm excited for this linky!
