Saturday, January 3, 2015

Slim Down Saturdays Jan. 3, 2015

It's time for our first Slim Down Saturday of 2015! I am hoping to keep this going every week. Make sure to grab the button and the blank image and join in if you want some accountability to your new (or continuing) healthy lifestyle!
I decided to start restart this journey last week. I have been going to the gym a couple times a week, for the most part, since moving home (except over break... the first week I was completely out sick and this week I have been a crazy person). But I need to make it more consistent and I need to eat to match it! So here we are... week one. I am counting this as my starting week so there isn't progress.
Ultimate goal: My ultimate goal is to look like I did when we got married. Which is 25lbs less than I am now. If I don't lose the 25lbs but still look like I did then... fine by me! (A tip, for those of you tracking the total weight lost... I save my blank template in powerpoint and edit it each week. On the slide, I keep a running record of what I weighed each week so that I can easily remember/see what progress I have or have not made. Like this:)
Gain/loss for this week: NA

Total since starting: NA

Positives from the week: I decided to start this up and am making it my goal to stick to it. Even if I blog about nothing else (as you can see I am rarely blogging lately), I want to make sure I stick to this one.

Something to do better: Drink less pop. This is pretty self explanatory. I was doing great staying away from it but lately have been drinking it too much. I need to drink less this week. 

Goal for next week: Drink more water. I hate water. I need to make it my goal to drink more. I am not giving myself a number of glasses or ounces. At this point, I just want to drink more than I usually do.

Word, quote, or song- "Never let a bad day be enough, to go and talk you in to giving up." This is from a Carrie Underwood song- Crazy Dreams. It has been a lyric I have always referred to, in so many aspects of life. Everyone has bad days. Especially in this get fit journey. And I know that I am going to have some really good ones, and some really bad ones. But it is important to remember that a bad day doesn't mean you should give up! 

There you have it. Week one. Join in! Even if you are just deciding today to start this journey with us. Link up with your goals. Fill in the chart the best you can. You have to start somewhere! Don't wait until tomorrow! Anyone who wants to join in, here is the blank template for you to use!
If you link up, remember to comment on the 2 people before you and the 1 after you. Everyone could use some support!


  1. Just linked up! I love your quote. I feel like I need to find a spot somewhere in my house to put all the awesome quotes and words that everyone comes up with for this linky! A kitchen cabinet perhaps? Maybe I'll put them on sticky notes and attach the sticky notes to all the bad food in my house... Good luck!

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  2. Well I made the decision to do it, and your linky is giving me the push I need. Really like your quote. I need to remember that when I am having a weak moment. Thanks for hosting this great motivator! I look forward to seeing everyone's progress.

    Luv My Kinders

  3. Thank you again for bringing this linkup back. Good luck with all of your goals this week!

  4. I can't figure out how to download an editable doc of this. thanks
