Saturday, January 24, 2015

Slim Down Saturday Jan. 24, 2015

It has been a pretty rough week for me. Nothing drastically terrible happened, just a bunch of little things adding up. Luckily it didn't affect my habits TOO much. I did have a cheat meal once this week, but I didn't kick myself for it. I enjoyed it and ate everything else healthy. And I am back to where I was 2 weeks ago.

So I lost 2 pounds, which is great. It brought me back to where I was 2 weeks ago. Thankfully! I tracked my food this week to see if maybe even though what I was eating was healthy, it was too much. I, for the most part, ate identical this week to how I ate last week and wasn't over on calories, so I know the weight gain wasn't from that.

I only made it to the gym twice this week but twice is better than no times. And, like I mentioned, I had a cheat meal. After we went to our 3 year old's FIRST parent teacher conference (people, I almost cried because my baby is old enough for parent teacher conferences and report cards) I really wanted a sub. So instead of depriving myself, I got it and split it in half instead of eating the whole thing like I may have in the past.

I managed to stay away from pop all week and at the store yesterday when we were buying pop for our basement fridge, I decided against buying Dr. Pepper (the only kind I drink anymore) so that I don't even have the option to drink it. I have been drinking water 90% of the time and every now and again have snapple. But I want to drink a little more water since I still am not drinking as much as I should be. I am also still hoping to run longer on the treadmill. Some days I have really good days and some days are awful. This week I couldn't last longer than a minute at a time for some reason, when last week I was going 3-4 minutes. But I am going to keep pushing myself this week and see how it goes.

I hope everyone had a great week and enjoys your weekend! If you want to link up, grab the button at the top and the blank template below and join in!
PS- I actually have some educational content posts planned to go... I just have to finish everything on my to do list and I will start them. Hopefully sooner or later!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Slim Down Saturday Jan 17, 2015

It's time for another Slim Down Saturday... and it is taking all my will power to not throw in the towel...

My chart below will explain why I want to throw in the towel...
 See that gain/loss for the week. Yeah, I gained TWO pounds. For a total for the year of PLUS one pound. After doing everything right this week! I didn't eat junk at all, went to the gym 3x (which is my goal for now), had NO pop all week, AND made my step goal 4 out of the past 6 days. Yet I still GAINED weight. This is when I would typically give up and binge. I am doing everything I can to not break down. I am HOPING that the gain is compliments of PMS... if not, I have no explanation for it.

My something to do better next week is to be able to run for a longer stretch on the treadmill. I do a fast walk for a few minutes, then run for the length of one song, then back to walking, then run, and so on. I am an awful runner. But I want to be able to run longer than one song.

My goal- um, lose weight agin.... I want to lose the 2 I gained this week and at least one more so that I am back in the negatives.

My one word, quote, song is from Finding Nemo- Just keep swimming- because I REALLY wanted to give up when I stepped on the scale. But I can't. I know this is a process and that I didn't gain it all in a couple weeks and I am sure not going to LOSE it all in a couple weeks. (Though I don't want to keep gaining that's for sure!)

If you want to link up, the image is below for you to add your information to. Grab the image and button and link up!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Slim Down Saturdays Jan. 10, 2015

It is time for the Slim Down Saturday linkup. This week has NOT been a good one for me. But I am not giving up!
This week started BAD. I wanted it to start good and I even bought a fitbit on Friday to help keep me motivated. Except then we spent 8 hours in the car driving Friday, sitting around, hanging out with family Saturday, and then another 8 hours in the car Sunday. Needless to say, those days were not good with steps. Then school started.... here are my results...
So, not AWFUL like I thought it would be. Not a gain. I somehow lost a pound. I say somehow because on Monday and Tuesday I binged. I felt like a bottomless pit. I could not get enough food in me. I also wasn't working out so it was bad. Wednesday we made a decently healthy dinner which I then used leftovers for as lunch on Thursday and Friday. I asked my husband to buy lots of fruits and veggies for me to snack on, which he did. So that helped. Thank goodness for the 2nd half of the week, because the first half was a doozy!

The other good thing from this week was that I definitely drank more water. So much so that I had to go to the bathroom at work. I definitely have a teacher bladder and rarely use the bathroom at work. I just never have to. Until I drank the amount of water I was drinking! But that is a good thing.

Things to do better: Don't binge... whew that was bad. Keep drinking water. No set amount yet, just keep doing it. And make the step goal. I have yet to make the 10k steps.

My goal- I need to get back to the gym. I haven't been since before winter break. I got sick, then I got busy, then this week was just a disaster being back at work. I was exhausted and it was FREEZING... and I just didn't want to drag Payton out in the cold to go to the gym. I have to get back next week.

My word is meals- because I am making it my goal to eat better meals. I am not saying I will eat the best all the time. Or that I will plan a ton in advance (though I am working on meal planning). But I want to at least have meals that are not full of bad food. Little bit at a time here.

If you want to link up, grab the image below and join in. (Anyone that doesn't know how- grab the image and save it. Open it up in powerpoint. Make a text box for each section of the chart and type your information in. Group everything together. Save as a picture.)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Slim Down Saturdays Jan. 3, 2015

It's time for our first Slim Down Saturday of 2015! I am hoping to keep this going every week. Make sure to grab the button and the blank image and join in if you want some accountability to your new (or continuing) healthy lifestyle!
I decided to start restart this journey last week. I have been going to the gym a couple times a week, for the most part, since moving home (except over break... the first week I was completely out sick and this week I have been a crazy person). But I need to make it more consistent and I need to eat to match it! So here we are... week one. I am counting this as my starting week so there isn't progress.
Ultimate goal: My ultimate goal is to look like I did when we got married. Which is 25lbs less than I am now. If I don't lose the 25lbs but still look like I did then... fine by me! (A tip, for those of you tracking the total weight lost... I save my blank template in powerpoint and edit it each week. On the slide, I keep a running record of what I weighed each week so that I can easily remember/see what progress I have or have not made. Like this:)
Gain/loss for this week: NA

Total since starting: NA

Positives from the week: I decided to start this up and am making it my goal to stick to it. Even if I blog about nothing else (as you can see I am rarely blogging lately), I want to make sure I stick to this one.

Something to do better: Drink less pop. This is pretty self explanatory. I was doing great staying away from it but lately have been drinking it too much. I need to drink less this week. 

Goal for next week: Drink more water. I hate water. I need to make it my goal to drink more. I am not giving myself a number of glasses or ounces. At this point, I just want to drink more than I usually do.

Word, quote, or song- "Never let a bad day be enough, to go and talk you in to giving up." This is from a Carrie Underwood song- Crazy Dreams. It has been a lyric I have always referred to, in so many aspects of life. Everyone has bad days. Especially in this get fit journey. And I know that I am going to have some really good ones, and some really bad ones. But it is important to remember that a bad day doesn't mean you should give up! 

There you have it. Week one. Join in! Even if you are just deciding today to start this journey with us. Link up with your goals. Fill in the chart the best you can. You have to start somewhere! Don't wait until tomorrow! Anyone who wants to join in, here is the blank template for you to use!
If you link up, remember to comment on the 2 people before you and the 1 after you. Everyone could use some support!

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