So I lost 2 pounds, which is great. It brought me back to where I was 2 weeks ago. Thankfully! I tracked my food this week to see if maybe even though what I was eating was healthy, it was too much. I, for the most part, ate identical this week to how I ate last week and wasn't over on calories, so I know the weight gain wasn't from that.
I only made it to the gym twice this week but twice is better than no times. And, like I mentioned, I had a cheat meal. After we went to our 3 year old's FIRST parent teacher conference (people, I almost cried because my baby is old enough for parent teacher conferences and report cards) I really wanted a sub. So instead of depriving myself, I got it and split it in half instead of eating the whole thing like I may have in the past.
I managed to stay away from pop all week and at the store yesterday when we were buying pop for our basement fridge, I decided against buying Dr. Pepper (the only kind I drink anymore) so that I don't even have the option to drink it. I have been drinking water 90% of the time and every now and again have snapple. But I want to drink a little more water since I still am not drinking as much as I should be. I am also still hoping to run longer on the treadmill. Some days I have really good days and some days are awful. This week I couldn't last longer than a minute at a time for some reason, when last week I was going 3-4 minutes. But I am going to keep pushing myself this week and see how it goes.
I hope everyone had a great week and enjoys your weekend! If you want to link up, grab the button at the top and the blank template below and join in!
PS- I actually have some educational content posts planned to go... I just have to finish everything on my to do list and I will start them. Hopefully sooner or later!
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