Friday, June 28, 2013


You're from the north? "Well Bless Your Heart"

While talking to some southern blogging friends, a discussion came up about how different things are in the north and the south. Ok, maybe I started the discussion. And it got me thinking, this would be a fun blog post. So with that- here are some of my favorite or most confusing southernisms (or things that are big no-no's in the south). Letterman top 10 style...
 Bless your heart- is this just a way to say I am sorry you are so clueless. Add the southern accent (yes southern friends YOU have the accent, not me) and you have the sweetest sounding insult on the planet. Look, even Urban Dictionary says so!!
 Ya'll. No thanks ya'll! It is "you guys" all the way. Even if you are all girls, I will still say what are you guys doing instead of what are ya'll doing?
 Ink pen- because what else would be in a pen? (I was told this is because the southern accent sometimes makes it sound like pin.. and well, we don't want people to think we are are writing with something we use to hold our pants up.."
Snow skiing- Someone said this to me once and I said WHAT?! It is just skiing. If I tell you I am going skiing, regardless of the location I am in, it means I will be on the snow. If I wanted to do this sport in water, I would tell you I was going water skiing. No worries- you won't find me skiing on snow or water. It would be a disaster!
Fixin' to (or shortened to finna)- no. I am sorry. If it isn't broken I am not fixin' anything. I am going to get ready for the party, but I am not fixin' to get ready for the party. Too many words.
Buggy? That is a word for a stroller. The thing babies go in. Not a shopping cart. But I do hear it. My friend Crystal at the Library Fox has this story, and I laugh every time I think about it... " I went to WalMart with one of them and I asked him if we needed a buggy. He looked at me like I'd just sprouted a unicorn horn and tail. I pointed and he said, "You mean a cart? Buggies are for babies." Yes Crystal's step brother- I am with ya!
Yuck Yuck and more Yuck. It isn't too sweet, it is just awful. Awful awful. I have to be the only person who doesn't like it! (Well except my husband, he doesn't count because he doesn't like any kind of iced tea.)
Yes- saying yes is what is expected. Apparently saying yea instead of yes is a no-no. And I say yea...all the time. (I do, however, say please and thank you. THAT is just common courtesy no matter where you come from.)
Excuse me? If you can't hear something or need it repeated to clarify, in the south you should say excuse me. Me... I say Huh?! THIS is apparently a big no no in the south. I say it ALL.THE.TIME. I am not being rude, I am just either saying "I didn't hear you" or "I have no idea what you are talking about". And you can tell the difference between them in the tone in my voice. A simple "huh" means I didn't hear you. A "hu-uh?" means I have no clue what you mean. Huh can also be used like huh- isn't that somethin'? It is a very versatile word. I can't let it go!

1. Ma'am and sir- 
The epitome of sounding polite. Notice I said sounding. Because even criminals in the south will say ma'am and sir. Me- No, I never say them. It doesn't make me rude I promise. It just isn't typical to hear it in casual conversation up north. I have the hardest time saying it because it sounds so foreign to me.
Hi- my name is Gina and I am a northerner. All together now "Hi Gina!" I really am not rude, but sheesh some southerners might think so. So to all my southern friends, readers, etc- I apologize for my lack of southern! And my poor daughter is going to have a tough time of it when she goes to school because we don't say

Oh and I forgot one- having your picture made. I have my picture taken, not made. :)

DISCLAIMER- this is all in good fun. I love each and every one of you, no matter where you are from!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapters 8&9- A Crash Course in Presentational Hooks and I Like to Move it Move it

Today we are focusing on two chapters. And it is all about the hook! Dave says "Much of your success as an educator has to do with your attitude towards teaching and towards kids." Well, lucky for me, if you take away all the stress that ISN'T my kids or teaching (all the OTHER stuff), I have a fantastic attitude about those two things. He then goes on to say "The rest of your success is based on your willingness to relentlessly search for what engages students in the classroom and then having the guts to do it." I would give myself a B- on this one. I am always trying to find ways to engage my kids, but sometimes if the strategies are outside of my normal box, I chicken out. Why? Because I am afraid to fail. But I have to get past that, because as we found out in an earlier chapter- failure is a form of feedback. 

In chapter 8 we find out about the three types of physical hooks: Kinesthetic, People Prop, and Safari. Here is my mini rundown.

Kinesthetic- incorporate some kind of movement. Even simple gestures. Whole Brain Teaching is great for this. In the beginning of the year last year I made up some random gesture for subject and predicate. And until the very last day of school, if I asked my students what a subject or predicate was, they would use their gestures when answering. 

People Prop- Use students as PART of the lesson- props, human graphs, etc.

Safari- How can we get OUT of the classroom for any part of this lesson.

Dave ends the chapter with something very simple, yet thought provoking- "You have freedom to do all sorts of activities outside the confines of your classroom, so get outside!"  I often to try leave our classroom, even if just to do a hallway hunt or task cards in the hall. The kids enjoy it, I enjoy it, and it really is a nice change of pace. But- it is VERY rare that I ever see any other classes outside of their classroom learning.

Stop by and Visit Daina who is hosting these chapters! (Who doesn't love some sticky notes and glitter?!)

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Show Us Some Bloglovin' (Giveaway)

Hi fabulous followers!!

You have probably heard by now that Google Reader is going away on July 1st.  Well, Google Reader may be going away, but we(many, many bloggers) don't want YOU to go away, so we hope that you will consider following our blog through bloglovin!  We know that change is we thought we might sweeten it up for you a little bit!

We are doing a giveaway for all of our fabulous followers that take the leap and switch over to bloglovin.  You may have already switched over!  In that case, this will be an easy entry!

If you have not yet switched or are not following our blog through bloglovin, then there are a few easy steps to follow.  You can go to our sidebar (that's the column on the right over there that shows our followers) and you can click the button that says Follow this Blog with bloglovin.  Or, you can go into the Rafflecopter below and click the link in the first entry, and that will take you to our blog on bloglovin.

You will need to set up an account with bloglovin so that you can follow us.  Please be sure to leave your bloglovin username in the Rafflecopter entry. Since I can't see the list of all of my followers (yet), I am asking that you "like" this post on Bloglovin' after you become a follower. I can see who has liked the post, so that will be a way for me to verify the winners!

If you want to go ahead and move all of the blogs you follow from Google over, you can go to this link and it will take you through the super easy steps.  BUT, please go to our bloglovin link and make sure that you are following us through bloglovin.  To be sure, make sure that the blue button at the top of our bloglovin page has been clicked (it should be gray with the word following- if it's blue, please click it to follow!)

So, if you follow by bloglovin, please enter this giveaway!!  I will be picking 2 WINNERS and each winner will get their choice of 2 UNITS FROM MY TpT STORE!  :O)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out all of these bloggers who are also doing a bloglovin giveaway at their blog!  You have a chance to win at each blog!  If you'd like to do your own giveaway, grab our button for your post, link up, and then get the inlinkz code to insert into your post so that the link ups will also be visible on your blog.  :O)

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get the InLinkz code 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 7- The Third Circle

Dave says in chapter 7 "When you have crafted an engaging lesson for your material it is like coasting downhill on a perfectly tuned bicycle with two fully inflated tires."  

It is so much easier to go down the hill than up it, and even easier when the tires are the way they are supposed to be (though at this point, I would be lucky to stay ON the bike- it has been so long since I rode one). In order to coast downhill, following the ideas in chapter 1-6 are key. Those chapters are like the foundation. But putting it all together- you need to know HOW to create the engaging lessons. 

Sometimes I have some a-ha moments. Where I think, "HEY I could teach this like that and bam we have a winner". Those are the downhill rides. I don't have to work hard to get the kids engaged or wanting to learn. 

Important tips from Dave:

- sell it! You can't do it just at the beginning of the lesson. It has to be maintained the entire time.- Layer your hooks so engagement doesn't wane. After 30 minutes of a lesson, you can't get their attention again by saying "hey remember earlier when I said/did this."

- Nothing is more important that nurturing and building a love of learning.

- Key content (the most important info of the lesson) needs to be delivered at the moment of peak engagement.

- Lose the delays between hooks and delivery. 

- Worry more about lost engagement than lost minutes. 

I could really go on and on about this chapter. If you could see all my highlighting you would be shocked. But I will let you head over to Kim (another sweetheart) and see what she has to say.

joyin6th Homepage

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 6- Enthusiasm

I have appropriately nicked named myself Slackers R Us...because I just can't keep caught up. This post is rather late (since it was supposed to post on Sunday), but better late than never right?

Anyways- today's chapter is all about enthusiasm. And here is my favorite line in the entire chapter...

"I will not allow that which is outside my control to affect my effort and enthusiasm." 

THIS...this is something I need to repeat to myself every single day. It is hard to be enthusiastic when you let all the OTHER stuff affect you. It can really bring you down. I can't count how many times I have had an amazing lesson planned, come out of grade level meeting (which is NEVER good times and happy endings),and bam- lesson enthusiasm is shot. I mean sometimes it is so shot, I shut down for the day. I know it isn't the best thing but I know everyone has been there. You feel so beat down that how can anything you do be worthwhile? Using this book is HOW I am going to make sure that my lessons are worthwhile regardless of all the other stuff. Even if I have to act...

Acting enough can eventually become real, especailly in the classroom. Act like you love teaching something, the lesson eventually gets more exciting for you, and all of a sudden you can't wait to teach it again!

One more thing that stood out to me...

"As a teacher, your days comprise enough positive and negative experiences to either make you feel energized and amazing or beat down and depressed. What you choose to attend to creates your reality." 

I should probably frame this one and hang it on my desk for those grade level meeting misery days.

Read more and join the discussion here on Carmen's blog (really hop over there because she is so sweet!)

And I swear, once I get caught up on some things, I will be hopping to all the posts I have missed. I haven't even read my blogs I follow in a few days. Things have just been a little chaotic here.

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 5- Transformation

I'm back for chapter 5! A litle later than I would have liked today, but we have some serious running around and things to do before taking our first FAMILY vacation to Disney. Yep- Payton is going to meet the mouse up close and personal. And I may be just a tad more excited than she is. Ok...a  lot more since she really has no idea what it means when I say we are going to Disney... she just sings Ninneee doooo (which is her way of singing Disney Junior- where the magic begins). But I digress... Back to Chapter 5. 

Transformation- woo this chapter got me. It was a real wake up call for me. First of all, one thing we all know as teachers but sometimes don't put into perspective- to stand out in a child's mind, you must be remarkable. I want to be remarkable so that my students remember me. Now- I must say you can be remarkably good or remarkably bad. I sure don't want to be remembered for being the remarkably bad teacher (my third grade teacher was one of those... I will never forget her, but NOT for good reasons.)

In this chapter Dave asks 2 questions- 1. If your students didn't have to be there, would you be teaching an empty room? I can honestly say no to this one. I have kids tell me they don't want to go home, kids that ask me if they can come back to my class in following years to "visit and help". And kids that ask me to move onto 4th grade with them. I ALMOST considered it for next year but more than half of my class isn't returning so I decided against it. 

2. Do you have any lessons you could sell tickets for? Yikes- I don't know about this one. Possibly one or two, maybe more. I have gotten better but want to improve in this area. I mean, there is a reason that kids love the Frizz!

One last point- are you guilty of using the medicine approach? I am sad to say I am! The approach where you say something along the lines of "I know this isn't fun but it is on the test, we just have to do it." Yep I have done that. It isn't intentional but sometimes that dumb test is the only BIG thing that gets them to understand the importance of certain things. My goal for next year is to steer clear of the medicine approach. 

To read more, visit our Chapter 5 host- Lisa from

Growing Firsties
And of course...

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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>I promise I am planning to visit each and every one of the people that have linked up. I was doing pretty good staying on top of it, so if I haven't visited a specific post yet, don't worry. I am coming your way soon!!

PS Jenn and I MAY have a VERY SPECIAL announcement coming to you in about a week or so! Be on the lookout! I may even let Jenn hijack my blog for me while I am in Disney- she doesn't know that yet though. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Backlot Tour of Graded Papers

Today I want to share with you what I do with all my graded papers. To see how I collect papers, stop over to Pamela's blog where I guest blogged about this very thing (I forgot to post about it because it was chaotic last week).

Tara over at Fourth Grade Frolics posted about her paper organization and it got me thinking, I think (in my world) I have a pretty good method so why not share it? So, with that,  I am linking up with Elizabeth and Kristen for their Organization linky.

Ok so now that you have left and read Pamela's blog and probably a bunch of organizational tips, here is what happens AFTER the papers all get turned in. Let's call it the "Backlot Tour of Graded Papers" (you got my Disney reference there right??)

Once the papers are turned in, I do NOT touch them until I am ready to grade them. I do not need to overfill my teaching bag with papers that I might not touch for days. I try to do a stack or two during the work day and MAYBE one at night, depending on how far behind I am. (Tip: If you have to take classroom restroom breaks, bring papers to grade with you. Amazing how many you can get done while waiting at the bathroom. I only bring easy to grade papers though- spelling tests, multiple choice, matching- nothing that really needs an answer key... too much to hold.)

Once a stack of papers is graded and put in number order (you will see the importance of this in a minute) I take them over to my super snazzy "mailboxes"
Yep you are looking at that right. I use a shoe organizer for my mailboxes. I am cheap frugal and refuse to spend tons of money on class mailboxes. This was $20 and has been holding up just fine. 5 years and no issues other than it being dusty. Each box has a number and I simply take my stack of papers and stick them in the slots. By the 2nd week of school I know every child's number so I can easily tell if someone hasn't turned a paper in and I just skip their box. 

On Wednesdays we send home "Wednesday Folders" (original right?) which include graded papers for the week, important papers from the office, etc. Depending on my support schedule, either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday during a break or lunch, I go over to the mailboxes, grab the stack of papers from each child's box and staple them together, then put them in their Wednesday folder. 

Where are their Wednesday folders until this point? In their mailboxes of course! On Thursday, when students return their folders (with signed papers- more on that in a minute), I empty them out and put their folders right in their box. This way I can easily see who has not returned their folder. 

Ok back to my routine- then throughout the day we will get things that need to be sent home. Depending on how much there is and how much time I do or don't have, sometimes I simply pass out the folders to the kids and then one sheet at a time and tell them which pocket to put the papers in (return to school or keep at home). 

Because I want to cover myself in any possible grade discrepancies, the parents must sign a form and send all graded papers back to me. I know I know- that is a lot of paper to save. Yes it is. But it is better to have it and be covered should you need it than to be at a loss (or even to have it if you have an IEP meeting on a child). 

So kids get this form signed 

and bring it and their papers back. It is very simple for me to check now. Kids throw their folders on my table in the morning on Thursday and during announcements I put them in number order and start emptying them. Papers for the office in one pile, graded papers in another. (This slip just stays in their folder at all times). (Notice is says # of pages- yes I have had kids pull out the bad grades and hide them- this helps prevent that.) I put the folders back in the mailboxes and then file away their graded papers. 

Last year I used hanging file folders in a filing cabinet, but I have to admit, I really like Tara's crate a lot better. I may have to do that this year. If I run out of time (I really try to get this all done by the time breakfast, announcements, and morning work are over) and can't file papers, I stack them in a pile and try to get to it later. Sometimes, I don't. And when the pile gets too large for me to handle, I let some of my helpers take the papers and organize them by student. They simply make a pile for each student and put them in number order for me. Then I just file them quickly. At the end of the semester, once report cards are home, signed, and returned (yes those have to be returned too) I send home ALL graded papers, making room for the next semester's work. The ONLY time I don't is if I think I will need to refer a child. I keep all of their work.

The key to all of this is keeping everything in number order. Graded papers so that you can quickly throw them in the mail boxes. Wednesday folders on collection day so that 1. you can quickly throw them in mailboxes and 2. Graded papers are in order for you to quickly file. 

If you have any questions, let me know! This system has been working great for the past 5 years (well really 4 I first year I would bring home tons of papers to organize). 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 4- Ask and Analyze

Have you failed recently?

In chapter 4 Dave mentions that if you haven't failed in your classroom, you aren't pushing the envelope enough. Safe lessons may get the job done, but you are settling for mediocrity at best. i have taken this one to heart and am going to go out of my comfort zone to try new things in my class next year. Remember in college, when you were student teaching, you would come up with some amazingly creative lessons, and sometimes you failed (I know this can't only be me). But every time a lesson failed, you still left feeling good because the kids were engaged. I remember one of my very first lessons I ever taught- sequencing and how to carve a pumpkin-2nd grade. I thought the lesson was a hugh flop. I even cried. When I met with my professor he could not stop ranting and raving about it. It was a good lesson, and things going wrong doesn't make it a failure. And even if it is, don't we learn from them?

The first thing that stuck with me in this chapter was what Dave calls the myth of the bliding flash of light. Which is basically that there are two types of people in the world- creative and not creative, where the not creative people think the creative people are walking around and are suddenly struck with creative ideas like a blinding flash of light. Confession- I say all the time "I am just not creative" I have been waiting for the flash of light more often than not. Clearly it isn't coming. 

I want to highlight some of the sentences that stuck out with me...

"If you consistently ask questions that lead to creative and outside the box thinking, your mind will provide you with creative and outside the box answers."

"What could I write on my board for this lesson that would spark a conversation or create a buzz even before the bell rings?" (I have to remember to do this because it is really great to see the kidsinvolved in their learning BEFORE you actually teach anything.)

"We will never see {creative inspiration} unless we actively and consistently attempt to create."

"Ideas are great but implementation is the key to results." (THIS is so big for me... when I DO have a good idea, I often don't FULLY implement it because I am worried about time constraints.)

"Create a vision of what you want and define the goals you want to achieve- and then you must start working for them."

Here is my BIG tip- carry a notebook or notepad with you EVERYWHERE. You never know when a good idea will come to you. I have ideas weitten down everywhere- slips of paper, post its, notebooks, in my phone. If you don't write it, you will forget it.

And Dave ended this chapter with the best tip of all... "Don't fall into the trap of thinking time spent developing yourself into a well-rounded person, above and beyond your role as an educator, is wasted or something to feel guilty about. It is essential and will pay dividends in not only your life, but also in your classrom."

As teachers, we could spend 24/7/365 working for our classroom and students and STILL not feel like we are done. We have to remember that it is ok to have fun, relax, and do some things for ourselves. 

To read more and join in the discussion, head over to Kate's blog

Purely Paperless

And as always

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Made It #3

I am LOVING how much I am getting done this summer. And I have Tara to thank for this because I know I just NEED to post and link up with her for
I got a TON done since my last MMI post. So much so, that I actually took a break and, GASP, stopped working. Admittedly I would have stopped anyways because we had company in from out of town and our daughter's 2nd birthday party. BUT I didn't feel stressed about not getting anything done because I was so productive earlier in the week. So without further ado... here is what I made in the past week...
I originally saw this pinned from here but I didn't want my kids to have the "outside voice" option. And I wanted these colors. So I just made my own. I don't see any reason my kids would need an "outside voice" while in my classroom, so I just didn't include it.
To go along with this, I made
These letters to hang on my whiteboard. Every time we work in groups or partners, I find myself telling the students "If I have to stop you one more time, we will be on silent". This willmake it so I don't have to say that. I will have these hanging on the board. If it gets too loud, I will simply remove one letter. If we get down to only having NO left, we immediately go on silent. Now I haven't decided if this will be for the remainder of the day or just that given activity. I am thinking just that activity, because I do A LOT of group work and can't have that messed up. I KNOW I won't have to say I am removing a letter because kids are observant and they will see it and quickly warn their friends to quiet down. (I remember seeing this on someone's blog or maybe a pin from a blog but I can't remember who now.)

The next thing was
Now I didn't MAKE this but I did cut and laminate so that counts right? I got this freebie right here and knew I had to have it. My kids have the hardest time telling time and knowing the "adult words" for telling time (as we call them). I am hoping this will help.

Then I made this
It isn't anything fancy BUT it is a good place for kids to drop notes from home, money they owe, etc instead of on my desk. I always lose things in the mess that my desk becomes and find them a couple days later (luckily it has never been anything insanely time sensitive). I am hoping this will help with some of that chaos. I found this idea on pinterest but it is an image only so I have no idea who the original idea came from.

The last thing I made that I LOVE is
My desk name tags. I made some last year to match the color scheme I went with but I needed some to match my pirate theme. Last year I had a couple problems with them. 1. Kids peeled them off their desk even though I had them taped on there completely covered with packaging tape. 2. When we wanted to rearrange (which was often) the tags had to be peeled up and moved (I had all different sized furniture so moving the desk didn't always work), meaning they eventually lost stickiness and got ruined and ripped. This year I am trying something different. I laminated them with no names. I will write the names with sharpie marker once I have a class list. And I have already prepared velcro. I am going to velcro them to desks this year so that when we rearrange I can just lift the tags and move them.

I already have about 5 more things I want to get making, but I am taking a break so that I can read the Daily 5. We will see what I get done.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 3 Rapport

Are pirates ever late? Because this one is! My goal was to have this post ready to go by this morning. But here it is, 5:30 pm and I am just now typing it up. Having house guests and a 2nd birthday party has done me in! And I am drained... but I am going to give you my quick 2cents (or maybe 20 cents) on this chapter and send you on to our hostess with the mostest. (Yep- I am exhausted friends.. don't mind the quirkiness.) 

Chapter 3 is all about rapport. One of the things I highlighted really stands out for me. Dave says " of the big secrets and shortcuts to engagement is to spend less time trying to get students interested in what you are presenting and more time making connections between what you are presenting and what they are already interested in." Well duh right?! But really, how many times are we teachers sitting around thinking, gosh I WISH I could get these kids more engaged... and then spending countless hours coming up with "engaging" activities. When all it really takes is to use what they are interested in, in your lessons.

How do you know what they are interested in? You build a relationship with them and their parents. And you have instant material. One student "R" struggled with reading. Bad. How did I get him interested in reading... bought every footbal book I came across and yes, I even typed out some paragraphs on his favorite player. And- in one of those paragraphs, the words were tough. Tough enough that most of my 3rd graders would have struggled. And he did. But- he didn't give up. He fought through because he wanted to finish. He wanted to read it. And. I was proud. 

Another favorite line from the chapter is "Building rapport is all about interacting with your students as fellow human beings, not just as subordinates." This year, I had the BEST class ever. I mean it. I loved them more than I ever thought I would love a class (and I will honestly be sad to walk into my class in August and not have their faces looking back at me). I truly believe that is because we really worked hard to ALL get to know each other. I know J loves fashion and her mom was having a baby. I know R was really proud of his dog and his mom too was having a baby. I know R and J both loved to play school at home. H knew I loved Disney and she was sure to share stories of her vacation there when she returned. I could go on and on, but what it comes down is that my kids knew that I was not only a teacher, but I was someone they could talk to. (And talk they did... sometimes too much, but not in a bad way.) And I loved that about my bunch of kids. I was in a car accident and the first thing they said to me when I got back was "Are you ok? Was Payton in the car?" because they genuinely cared about me (and each other as well). 

Dave has some amazing first 3 days plans in this chapter... and I sure want to be able to do something similar this year. But I won't go into anymore detail... you can join in the discussion by checking out Jana's blog (where she has some really cute ideas for back to school building rapport)

Thinking Out Loud

And as always...

Have a post to share about this book? Link up here with the title of your blog and the chapter number.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Fabulous Feedback Linky (is it you?!) and a giveaway!

A while back Christina from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge did a post on leaving quality feedback on your purchases on TpT. Clicking the image below will take you to her post. 

Getting feedback really helps us as sellers and, if you didn't know, it gives you TpT credits that you can use towards another purchase.
Christina had the idea to do a fabulous feedback linky and it was a big success (except for the fact that I forgot to post and missed out on the fun!). So now I am here to join in...

(Clicking this picture will take you to Christina's post where you can see all the bloggers that have linked up. Who knows, you may have won on their blogs!)
Here's the idea... I am going to choose 2 comments that have been left as feedback on my products. I will post the product below along with the comment and user name of the person who left the feedback. That person who left the feedback will then get to email me and choose a similarly priced item from my TpT store to receive for FREE! How's that for fun??

First up:

This has been my favorite feedback to date. Deanna33 (who I can only assume has a real first name of Deanna) has made me so incredibly happy with that one comment. My Comparing and Contrasting passages took a lot of time. You can find them here in my TpT store. I am going to put them on sale for 20% off for the weekend in honor of this amazing comment!

Next up:


This is one of my newest products. My kids LOVE making ABC books so I figured I would make them cuter than just some printer paper stapled together. And I added a couple different options, as you can see from Good Enough Teacher's comment. I was worried no one would want to use these books, but I am not worried anymore. ( I know I can't be the onloy one who worries every time they post a new product righ!?) You can find this one here. Also, on sale for 20% off for the weekend.

So Deanna33 and Good Enough Teacher, email me at thirdgradetidbitsATgmailDOTcom so we can get you your free item!

Oh and don't forget to run (don't walk, seriously) to Christina's blog to enter her AMAZING giveaway!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 2- Immersion

I am back with a little blurb on Chapter 2. Are you loving this book as much as I did? Chapter 2 was all about Immersion. And it was a short chapter. Dave starts off the chapter saying "You're about to learn the #1, top secret way to become a dramatically better lover!"

Well, while he doesn't exactly teach us that tidbit, he does grab attention doesn't he?

This chapter makes perfect and simple sense- you have to fully BE with your students. Simple enough right? Students can tell when we aren't "all there". I know my students can ALWAYS tell. If I am sick and just not all there, they know within the first 10 minutes of the day. And I know that I am not doing my best if I am not all there, whether it be from being sick or just stressed about something happening at home or otherwise.

I think this man needs to present to the education law makers... especially when he said this... "At some point in your career you have to decide if you care more about teaching to tests or teaching kids.... Don't let the current overemphasis on standardized test scores lead to the loss of the teachable moment." 

To read more insight on this chapter and join in on the discussion, go to Marie's blog...

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